蔡依林 - Attraction of Sexy Lips (Hit Hot Vibration Mix) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 蔡依林 - Attraction of Sexy Lips (Hit Hot Vibration Mix)

Attraction of Sexy Lips (Hit Hot Vibration Mix)
Attraction of Sexy Lips (Hit Hot Vibration Mix)
緊盯我的雙眸 愛的雷達鎖定我
Watch my eyes, the radar of love locks me up
要愛不要囉唆 幸福不該光說不做
No need to talk about it, happiness should not only be said
曖昧唇語裝聽不懂 沒有那麼簡單就上勾
Pretend not to understand ambiguous language, it's not that easy to be hooked
你給的愛不要做作 只要做出反射動作
Don't pretend to give your love, just show action
完美微笑的唇型 讓你意亂又神迷
The perfect smile lips make you confused and charmed
純純欲動的唇印 就要越過危險關係
The innocent and passionate lip prints are about to cross the dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy 讓你眼花又頭暈
Sexy Pretty & Juicy make you dazzled and dizzy
唇唇欲動的絕技 你已經被我擺平
The secrets you desire has been defeated by me
模糊愛情線索 想讓你看不清我
Blurred love clue, let you see me unclear
不要太靠近我 小心你眼睛著火
Don't get too close to me, or your eyes will catch fire
我不想把謊言戳破 等著你真心的說愛我
I don't want to break the lie, waiting for you to say love me
你有權利保持沉默 猜你撐不過三秒鐘
You have the right to remain silent, I guess you can't hold on for three seconds
完美微笑的唇型 讓你意亂又神迷
The perfect smile lips make you confused and charmed
純純欲動的唇印 就要越過危險關係
The innocent and passionate lip prints are about to cross the dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy 讓你眼花又頭暈
Sexy Pretty & Juicy make you dazzled and dizzy
唇唇欲動的絕技 你已經被我擺平
The secrets you desire has been defeated by me
這完美的輪廓 讓每個人都想蠢蠢欲動
This perfect outline makes everyone restless
這神秘的味道 讓人忍不住都想咬一口
This mysterious smell makes people want to bite
完美微笑的唇型 讓你意亂又神迷
The perfect smile lips make you confused and charmed
純純欲動的唇印 就要越過危險關係
The innocent and passionate lip prints are about to cross the dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy 讓你眼花又頭暈
Sexy Pretty & Juicy make you dazzled and dizzy
唇唇欲動的絕技 你已經被我擺平
The secrets you desire has been defeated by me
完美微笑的唇型 讓你意亂又神迷
The perfect smile lips make you confused and charmed
純純欲動的唇印 就要越過危險關係
The innocent and passionate lip prints are about to cross the dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy 讓你眼花又頭暈
Sexy Pretty & Juicy make you dazzled and dizzy
唇唇欲動的絕技 你已經被我擺平
The secrets you desire has been defeated by me

Авторы: Terry Lee, Zong An Lee

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