蕭敬騰 - 一眼瞬间 2011上海圣诞演唱会 现场版 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 蕭敬騰 - 一眼瞬间 2011上海圣诞演唱会 现场版

一眼瞬间 2011上海圣诞演唱会 现场版
A Glance in an Instant 2011 Shanghai Christmas Concert Live
搖晃的紅酒杯 嘴唇像染著鮮血
A glass of swaying red wine, lips like they were stained with blood
那不尋常的美 難赦免的罪
That extraordinary beauty, an unpardonable sin
誰忠心的跟隨 充其量當個侍衛
Who faithfully follows, at most will be a guard
腳下踩著玫瑰 回敬一個吻當安慰
Stepping on roses, returning a kiss as consolation
像蠢動的音樂 教人們怎麼成眠
Like throbbing music, teaching people how to slumber
不知名的香水 窒息的鬼魅
An unknown perfume, a suffocating specter
鋒利的高跟鞋 讓多少心腸破碎
Sharp high heels, breaking how many hearts
彎刀一般的眉 捍衛你的秘密花園
Eyebrows like a curved knife, defending your secret garden
夜太美 儘管再危險 總有人黑著眼眶熬著夜
The night is too beautiful, even if it's dangerous, there are always people staying up all night with dark circles under their eyes
愛太美 儘管再危險 願賠上了一切超支千年的淚
Love is too beautiful, even if it's dangerous, willing to pay everything, overdrafting a thousand years of tears
痛太美 儘管再卑微 也想嘗粉身碎骨的滋味
Pain is too beautiful, even if it's humiliating, also want to taste the feeling of being crushed to pieces
你太美 儘管再無言 我都想用石堆隔絕世界
You are too beautiful, even if you are speechless, I want to use piles of stones to isolate the world
我的王妃 我要霸佔你的美
My queen, I want to monopolize your beauty
那催情的音樂 聽起來多麼愚昧
That arousing music, sounds so foolish
妳武裝的防備 傷你的是誰
Your armed defenses, who hurt you
靠近我一點點 是不一樣的世界
Get a little closer to me, it's a different world
安睡在我的肩 我用生命為你加冕
Sleep peacefully on my shoulder, I will use my life to crown you
夜太美 儘管再危險 總有人黑著眼眶熬著夜
The night is too beautiful, even if it's dangerous, there are always people staying up all night with dark circles under their eyes
愛太美 儘管再危險 願賠上了一切超支千年的淚
Love is too beautiful, even if it's dangerous, willing to pay everything, overdrafting a thousand years of tears
痛太美 儘管再卑微 也想嘗粉身碎骨的滋味
Pain is too beautiful, even if it's humiliating, also want to taste the feeling of being crushed to pieces
你太美 儘管再無言 我都想用石堆隔絕世界
You are too beautiful, even if you are speechless, I want to use piles of stones to isolate the world
我的王妃 我要霸佔你的美
My queen, I want to monopolize your beauty
夜太美 儘管再危險 總有人黑著眼眶熬著夜
The night is too beautiful, even if it's dangerous, there are always people staying up all night with dark circles under their eyes
愛太美 儘管再危險 願賠上了一切超支千年的淚
Love is too beautiful, even if it's dangerous, willing to pay everything, overdrafting a thousand years of tears
痛太美 儘管再卑微 也想嘗粉身碎骨的滋味
Pain is too beautiful, even if it's humiliating, also want to taste the feeling of being crushed to pieces
你太美 儘管再無言 我都想用石堆隔絕世界
You are too beautiful, even if you are speechless, I want to use piles of stones to isolate the world
我的王妃 我要霸佔你的美
My queen, I want to monopolize your beauty
夜太美 儘管再危險 總有人黑著眼眶熬著夜
The night is too beautiful, even if it's dangerous, there are always people staying up all night with dark circles under their eyes
愛太美 儘管再危險 願賠上了一切超支千年的淚
Love is too beautiful, even if it's dangerous, willing to pay everything, overdrafting a thousand years of tears
痛太美 儘管再卑微 也想嘗粉身碎骨的滋味
Pain is too beautiful, even if it's humiliating, also want to taste the feeling of being crushed to pieces
你太美 儘管再無言 我都想用石堆隔絕世界
You are too beautiful, even if you are speechless, I want to use piles of stones to isolate the world
我的王妃 我要霸佔你的美
My queen, I want to monopolize your beauty
夜太美 儘管再危險 總有人黑著眼眶熬著夜
The night is too beautiful, even if it's dangerous, there are always people staying up all night with dark circles under their eyes
愛太美 儘管再危險 願賠上了一切超支千年的淚
Love is too beautiful, even if it's dangerous, willing to pay everything, overdrafting a thousand years of tears
痛太美 儘管再卑微 也想嘗粉身碎骨的滋味
Pain is too beautiful, even if it's humiliating, also want to taste the feeling of being crushed to pieces
你太美 儘管再無言 我都想用石堆隔絕世界
You are too beautiful, even if you are speechless, I want to use piles of stones to isolate the world
我的王妃 我要霸佔你的美
My queen, I want to monopolize your beauty

蕭敬騰 - Compilation

1 口是心非
2 kelly 电视剧《来自星星的你》中文片尾曲
3 一眼瞬间 live
4 一眼瞬间 2011上海圣诞演唱会 现场版
5 怎么说我不爱你 dj大禹版
6 世界唯一的你
7 小男人大男孩 现场版 伴奏版
8 你的背包
9 小茉莉 不能说的秘密 天堂口 小情歌
10 听海 现场版 超级星光大道 萧敬腾篇
11 kelly 现场版
12 信仰 现场版
13 到不了
14 rock k.o. 游戏《全民快打》主題曲
15 多希望你在 原版伴奏
16 收藏 十大华语歌曲
17 不正常 颓废之心主题曲
18 marry me 现场版
19 够不够 feat.方大同 live
20 我就是爱你 asus zenfone 2014年度代言歌曲 伴奏版
21 你把我灌醉
22 你 《幸福一定强》电视剧片尾曲
23 善男信女 电台版
24 新不了情 电台版
25 小茉莉 不能说得秘密
26 小情歌 不能说的秘密 小茉莉 天堂口
27 marry me 方大同 合声版本
28 kelly 电视剧《来自星星的你》中文片尾曲 伴奏版
29 信仰 指定曲目
30 到不了的地方 电影《到不了的地方》主题曲
31 只能想念你 现场版
32 小茉莉 金马
33 kelly 韩剧《来自星星的你》中文片尾曲
34 新不了情 现场版
35 只能想念你 抢听版
36 到处都是爱 电影《一路惊喜》主题曲 伴奏版
37 如果没有你 我愿意 往昔
38 吻我吧 现场版
39 以爱之名 伴奏版
40 亲爱的小孩 现场
41 口是心非 伴奏版
42 如果没有你+我的歌声里+新不了情+兄弟我说+信仰+福尔摩斯
43 新不了情 伴奏版
44 三天三夜
45 开到荼糜
47 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
48 到处都是爱 44秒铃声版
49 末班车
50 世界唯一的你 live
51 怎么说我不爱你 hitfm 台北 play dj
52 原来你什么都不想要
53 冰封 电影《冰封 重生之门》主题曲
54 每天一点新 ktv版
55 a song for you live
56 rhythm of the rain
57 always on my mine
58 三暝三日
59 一眼瞬间 伴奏版
60 we are one+waka waka live版
61 i+swear 49秒铃声版
62 i believe i can fly
63 unchained melody
64 one night in beijing
65 i just call to say i love you
66 superman live
67 不能说的秘密
68 to be with you live

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