From my eyes, what do you see? Is there a kind of heart-pounding crash?
就像夜空多少流星閃過 你抓不到一顆 屬於我的夢
Like a meteor shower in the night sky, you can't catch a single one, my dream.
每一天 如海浪般潮湧 向我襲捲 卻不能夠停留
With each passing day, like the surging tide, it engulfs me, yet cannot stay.
每一天 枯坐在黑暗中 曲腿弓背 望穿無窮虛空
Every day, I sit alone in the darkness, legs bent and back hunched, staring into the endless void.
Oh Yeah 我真的好累 我是不懂
Oh yeah, I'm so tired, I don't understand.
現在你可以告訴我 告訴我
Now, can you tell me, tell me?
藍色的泉 彩繪了子夜 墜落的重量產生一些音樂
A blue spring paints the midnight, the weight of the fall creating a melody.
你走過來足邊水珠飛濺 所有幻想 遺忘於一瞬間
You walk towards me with splashing water at your feet, and all my fantasies are forgotten in an instant.
這感覺 如海浪般潮湧 向我襲捲 卻不能夠停留是誰讓我 枯坐在黑暗中 曲腿弓背 望穿無窮虛空
This feeling, like a surging tide, engulfs me, yet cannot stay. Who let me sit alone in the darkness, legs bent and back hunched, staring into the endless void?
Oh Yeah 我真的好累 用永遠都不瞭解
Oh yeah, I'm so tired, with an eternity of misunderstanding.
I'm so tired.
OhBaby 我的世界已經瓦解 變成
Oh baby, my world has crumbled and become
Teal tears.
不懂他的心碎 不懂的幻滅
Not understanding his heartbreak, not understanding the disillusionment.
所有水藍色眼淚 快融成一片雪 讓我的憂傷冬眠
All the teal tears, quickly melt into a patch of snow, letting my sorrow hibernate.
Teal tears (I'm so tired).
Tears of a broken heart (he'll never understand).
The disillusionment of innocence (I'm so tired).
所有水藍色眼淚 快融成一片雪 讓我的憂傷冬眠
All the teal tears, quickly melt into a patch of snow, letting my sorrow hibernate.
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