蛋堡 feat. 徐佳瑩 - 噓 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 蛋堡 feat. 徐佳瑩 - 噓

He's your favorite type
但你 只能看著他的背影
But you can only watch his back
隔著很遠半徑 圍繞像衛星
Circling him from a great distance, like a satellite
當他突然轉身 你卻沒法對應
When he suddenly turns around, you can't respond
It's been a long time since then
總是又想起 在快要忘記之前
I always think of you again just before I forget you
快要放棄之前 又碰上他失戀
Just before I give up, I run into you after you've broken up
但當他失戀 他又需要段時間
But when he breaks up, he needs some time
跟著他相簿 從"一月"到"十二"
Following your photo album from "January" to "December"
We each have our own people around
"生日派對" 一路到 "出國玩樂"
From "Birthday Party" to "Going Abroad for Fun"
胸口的糾結 還在繼續
The entanglement in my chest continues
說他不知道 那倒也不一定
To say that he doesn't know is not necessarily true
說注定糾纏 那倒也太迷信
To say that it's destined to be entangling is too superstitious
偶爾問候的短信 或許沒別的意思
An occasional text message may mean nothing
心裡的止水 又被投了顆大石
The calm waters of my heart are once again disturbed by a huge rock
這是秘密 我的心被困在你的身邊
This is a secret, my heart is trapped by your side
像個間諜 暗中收集你的每個畫面
Like a spy, secretly collecting every frame of you
你的世界 留給我太多想像空間
Your world leaves me far too much room for imagination
多想對號入座 走進你的狀態裡面
I long to fit in, to walk into your shoes
時常在夜晚 你聽些歌
Often at night, you listen to songs
聽勵志的 想像已經切割
Listening to motivational ones, imagining that you've already cut him off
聽悲傷的 日記你邊寫著
Listening to sad ones, as you write in your diary
有時無法負荷 哭完先歇了
Sometimes the burden is too much, you cry and rest
Follow他網誌 近況和往事
Follow his blog, his recent and past events
It's ironic that it's like we've never known each other
You are two lines gradually moving further and further apart
你總回想 那何時曾是交叉點?
You always think back, when was it that we intersected?
Life circles full of intersections
Perhaps the last time we met was just yesterday
也或者某個瞬間 你們擦肩如電影般
Or perhaps at a certain moment you passed by each other like in a movie
主角交錯時 一切速度會放慢
When the main characters cross paths, everything slows down
"But I'm just an audience after all"
你的惋惜 只是幻想在煽動
Your regrets are just fantasies stirring
這部電影 從來沒有人看懂
This movie has never been understood by anyone
你的激動處 只有自己在顫抖
Your excitement is felt only by yourself
這是秘密 我的心被困在你的身邊
This is a secret, my heart is trapped by your side
像個間諜 暗中收集你卻沒人發現
Like a spy, secretly collecting you, undiscovered
你的世界 留給我太多想像空間
Your world leaves me far too much room for imagination
多想對號入座 走進你的狀態裡面
I long to fit in, to walk into your shoes
有時候姑且 對愛情有時候將就
Sometimes I compromise, sometimes I make do in love
抽離後回神 又是個深秋
After withdrawing and regaining my senses, it's autumn again
有時 這真的無關公不公平
Sometimes this really has nothing to do with fairness or unfairness
有時 這一切不是忠不忠心
Sometimes this has nothing to do with loyalty or disloyalty
這就是個小秘密 藏在心裡的小秘密
This is just a little secret, a little secret hidden in my heart
進入你心裡 還要穿越一個迷宮
To enter your heart, I must first pass through a labyrinth
And most people stay at the entrance of the labyrinth
所以你沒提起 但也沒偽造
So you don't mention it, but you don't fabricate it either
對你而言存在 對別人沒味道
To you, it exists, to others it's meaningless
They won't notice that you're sad because of him
有時身邊是誰 事實上也沒差
Sometimes it doesn't matter who's by your side
現在誰陪他 反而你掛心
Now you're worried about who's with him
有時因為害怕 又不多打聽
Sometimes you don't ask more out of fear
怕想到他在別人懷中 你沒得抱
Afraid to think of him in someone else's arms, not yours
或許執著只是因為 從沒得到
Perhaps the obsession is only because I've never had it
這是秘密 我的心被困在你的身邊
This is a secret, my heart is trapped by your side
像個間諜 暗中收集你卻沒人發現
Like a spy, secretly collecting you, undiscovered
你的世界 留給我太多想像空間
Your world leaves me far too much room for imagination
多想對號入座 走進你的狀態
I long to fit in, to walk into your shoes
你的文字 是描述近況 還是一瞬間
Are your words describing your current situation or just a moment?
你的照片 在我眼裡都是延伸畫面
In my eyes, your photos are all extended frames
I open the window several times but don't dare type a single word
這就是現實 愛情從來沒有實現
This is reality, love has never been realized

Авторы: Lala Hsu, Soft Lipa

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