蛋堡Soft Lipa - 我們都有問題 feat. N.CHEN - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 蛋堡Soft Lipa - 我們都有問題 feat. N.CHEN

我們都有問題 feat. N.CHEN
We All Have Problems (Featuring N.CHEN)
我們都有問題 都很難入睡
We all have problems. We all have difficulty sleeping.
我們都有問題 造成很多誤會
We all have problems. They cause a lot of misunderstandings.
我們都有問題 圍繞著是非
We all have problems. They surround right and wrong.
We don't know how to deal with our problems.
我們很像 都說我們沒有問題
We are very similar. We all say we have no problems.
We all insist that we are different.
隔著防備 卻不知不覺被影響
We are separated by our defenses, but we are unknowingly influenced.
其實 我只想對你講
Actually, I just want to tell you:
我們都很好 我們都不好
We are all good. We are all bad.
我們讓彼此難過 都別爭了(那些到底算是誰的錯)
We make each other sad. Let's not argue. (Who's fault is it anyway?)
我們都很好 我們都不好
We are all good. We are all bad.
那些傷害人的話 都別說了(那些只是氣話其實我)
Let's not say those hurtful things. (They are just angry words. I really... )
Because we all have problems.
Because we all have problems. (Because we all have problems.)
我們知道自己弱點 但說得堅強
We know our weaknesses, but we pretend to be strong.
一道道證明題 都解得牽強
We solve problem after problem, but our answers are all forced.
但為了闡述我的理想 激昂地演講
But in order to achieve my ideals, I speak passionately.
也為了攻破你 用力地回想
In order to defeat you, I try hard to remember:
Our ridiculous past,
Which has become a basis for criticism.
用我的秩序鎮壓 是黨的勝利
With my own order, I suppress the victory of the party.
戰火燒過之後 剩下仿的正義
After the war, only a false sense of justice remains.
不同的個體 不同的靈魂
Different individuals. Different souls.
卻總要對方了解自己 特別是情人
But we always want the other person to understand us, especially our lovers.
我們的爭吵 已是不紅的新聞
Our arguments are no longer newsworthy.
我們讓嘴用來傷人 不重視親吻
We let our mouths hurt each other. We don't value our kisses.
針鋒相對的刺蝟 瀟灑的話是自衛
Like porcupines, we defend ourselves with sharp words.
我們的智慧 是沒法為彼此交換位置
Our intelligence is not enough to allow us to switch places.
一直只想對峙 忘了尊嚴和面子是兩回事
We only want to fight. We forget that dignity and face are two different things.
我們都很好 我們都不好
We are all good. We are all bad.
我們讓彼此難過 都別爭了(那些到底算是誰的錯)
We make each other sad. Let's not argue. (Who's fault is it anyway?)
我們都很好 我們都不好
We are all good. We are all bad.
那些傷害人的話 就別說了(那些只是氣話其實我)
Let's not say those hurtful things. (They are just angry words. I really... )
Because we all have problems.
Because we all have problems. (Because we all have problems.)
是什麼一點一點累積 越來越不能忍耐
What is it that accumulates little by little, becoming unbearable?
一點一點消逝 一刻也不能等待
What fades away little by little, so that we cannot wait a moment longer?
越來越沒默契 錯誤的翻譯
There is less and less understanding between us. Our translations are incorrect.
Even jokes are interpreted as accusations.
原本 能笑看對方超越自己底線
Originally, we could laugh at each other's shortcomings,
漸漸 卻像是睫毛掉進眼睛裡面
But gradually, it is as if an eyelash has fallen into our eyes.
As indifference expands between love and hate,
最後 兩個熟識的人就從此失聯
In the end, two familiar people lose contact.
So when we are already staring into different corners,
I just want us to end our relationship well.
Let's not let our emotions control us.
Let's use our reason to put away some of our excesses.
Even if we cannot send each other off,
讓我們想起初衷 不是比較 是微笑
Let's remember our original intention. It was not comparison, but a smile.
不是計較著 把什麼賠掉
It was not calculating what we had lost.
笑著接受 緣份是難以預料的
Let's accept with a smile that fate is unpredictable,
Whether we are added or removed.
我們都很好 我們都不好
We are all good. We are all bad.
我們讓彼此難過 都別爭了
Let's not argue.
我們都很好 我們都不好
We are all good. We are all bad.
Let's not say those hurtful things.
我們都很好 我們都不好
We are all good. We are all bad.
我們讓彼此難過 都別爭了
Let's not argue.
我們都很好 我們都不好
We are all good. We are all bad.
那些傷害人的話 就別說了
Let's not say those hurtful things.
Because we all have problems.
Because we all have problems.
因為我們都有問題 有問題 有問題
Because we all have problems. There are problems. There are problems.

Авторы: 葛仲珊, 蛋堡

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