血肉果汁機 - Tour Inspection (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 血肉果汁機 - Tour Inspection (Live)

Tour Inspection (Live)
Tour Inspection (Live)
Let the procession begin
報馬仔 擔扁擔 吊豬肉 裝紅線
The scout carries a shoulder pole with pork hanging and red string
好消息 媽祖娘娘到了
Good news, Mazu has arrived
眾生臉上 帶著笑容
The people's faces light up with smiles
日頭炎炎 迎面涼風清爽
The sun is hot, but a cool breeze brings relief
八家將 七星步 官將首 三步贊
Eight Generals, Seven Star Steppers, Official Leaders, Three Step Praisers
濟公 土地公 七爺八爺 神童仔 北管 文轎 武轎
Ji Gong, Land God, Seventh Master, Eighth Master, Child Deity, Northern Orchestra, Civil Sedan, Martial Sedan
Even the sun has come to join the celebration
陣頭先開路(借過喔)氣勢很澎湃 踏一個先鋒
The procession leads the way, its energy is overwhelming, and the vanguard marches ahead
放炮仔 電子花車金光閃閃 一台兩台三台四台 每台都拼卡拉OK
Firecrackers explode, and electronic floats flash with lights, one, two, three, four of them, each one a karaoke competition
電音三太子也來拼舞 一仙兩仙三仙四仙 氣氛愈來愈熱鬧
The techno Third Prince also joins the dance, one, two, three, four of them, the atmosphere grows more and more lively
手筆化 腳抬高
Hands painted, feet raised high
搖搖擺擺 嘴碎碎唸眼睛瞇瞇
Swaying and chanting, with narrowed eyes
炮仔放 煙霧霧
Firecrackers burst, the air is hazy
乩童跳乩 神明上身 來囉 發駕
The medium falls into a trance, the god possesses their body, here comes the procession
三太子來了有什麼代誌想要請示 但是現在嘴乾 茶先遞來 等會兒再問
The Third Prince has arrived, what do you want to ask him? But right now, his mouth is dry, bring him some tea, and we'll ask him later
風調雨順 士農工商都發財
May the weather be favorable, and may farmers, workers, merchants, and craftsmen all prosper
May all the people of Taiwan enjoy peace, security, and good fortune
The procession ends
看穿山 聽過海
With the ability to see through mountains and hear across the sea
千里眼 順風耳
Thousand-mile Eyes, All-hearing Ears, I invite you
一位看天堂 一位聽地獄
One sees heaven, one hears hell
妖魔鬼怪 都閃不過他們的眼耳
No demon or monster can escape their sight or hearing
Blue sky and white clouds
The Heavenly Mother reveals her true spirit
厝內平安 子孫健康快樂 還有一個事業賺大錢阿
Safety in the house, healthy and happy children, and a prosperous business
拿出你的氣魄 大膽給他走下去
Show your courage and boldness
The gods will protect us, so we must work even harder

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