血肉果汁機 - 血肉宮 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 血肉果汁機 - 血肉宮

Blood Palace
Pushing aside the clouds to see the sun
The sunshine is so beautiful
平常不會去注意的幸福 就在身邊
The happiness we usually don't pay attention to is right by our side
Let's forget about the disturbances of the year before last
Today we're still needed
不分高低 不分富貴貧窮
Regardless of status or wealth
Heaven won't point a gun at you and force you to help
Love and kindness are innate to all beings
你會嫉妒 你會詛咒
You might become jealous and you might curse
That's because you can't let go
Don't blame others or yourself. Listen carefully.
生命不分你和我 管他是牛馬蛇
Life doesn't distinguish between you and me. Whether you're a cow, a horse, or a snake
地球媽媽喊救命 全宇宙都聽到啦
Mother Earth is calling for help. The entire universe can hear her.
她說她孩子被控制 做媽的心像真在扎
She says her children are being controlled. As a mother, her heart aches.
天搖地動不是她的意思 就算沒命也希望他們順遂
The earthquakes and landslides aren't her doing. Even if it costs her life, she hopes they will be safe.
做人要有道德 做鬼也別忘記
Be moral as a human and don't forget it as a ghost
Using a scapegoat is a test of the devil's path
沒人在看 沒法可管
No one is watching. There's no law to enforce
上面他相信你 魔神也相信你
Above, he believes you. The devil believes you too
黑白是非 完全得看你的心
Right and wrong depend entirely on your heart
渾沌的君 渾沌的人民
A chaotic ruler, chaotic people
世界之大 嘴說了解腦不信
The world is so vast. Your mouth says you understand, but your mind doesn't believe
這有需要救濟 那也有需要救濟
This place needs aid. That place needs aid too
第六宇宙需要覺醒 心要打開 救濟你們萬世人
The sixth universe needs to awaken. Open your hearts. Save all of your people.
信血肉 得永生
Believe in Blood and Flesh, and you will live forever
苦勸行善 解救你們
I urge you to do good and save yourselves
Treat others with sincerity and kindness is precious
Blood and Flesh Juice Machine
我的好孩子阿 今年若是好天氣 等收成賣出好價錢那天 爸爸就可以帶你去吃麥當勞了 你長大要做一個認真老實的人喔
My dear child, if the weather is good this year, when the harvest is sold at a good price, I will take you to McDonald's. You must grow up to be a diligent and honest person.
敬愛的爸爸 感謝你送我去讀書 教導我什麼叫做人情世故 我會努力打拼做一個成功的人 讓你跟你的前妻過到好日子啦
Dear father, thank you for sending me to school and teaching me about human relationships. I will work hard to be a successful person and give your former wife and you a good life
孝順是一種美德 感動地和天
Filial piety is a virtue that moves heaven and earth
Filial piety is a form of repayment

Авторы: 童仲宇, 血肉果汁機

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