許茹芸 - 一直是晴天 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 許茹芸 - 一直是晴天

Always a Sunny Day
你眼睛睜開 是面湖水 湖清澈見底 飄著落葉
You open your eyes, it's a lake, the lake is clear and bottomless, with fallen leaves floating.
想你的時間 每次都是晴天 你連回憶都怕我淒涼
Every time I think of you, it's always a sunny day, you are afraid that even my memories will be bleak.
我眼睛閉上 充滿淚水 淚水哭不回 你的離別
I close my eyes, filled with tears, tears that can't cry back your departure.
愛你的季節 一直都是晴天 你怎麼讓我 熬的過纏綿
The season I love you, it's always a sunny day, how do you let me endure the lingering?
我追不到你最後笑的臉龐 我追不到我吻你的心慌
I can't catch your last smiling face, I can't catch my heart pounding from kissing you.
是那麼寧靜 是那麼斷腸 彷彿我們不曾愛過一樣
It's so peaceful, it's so heartbreaking, as if we had never loved each other.
我忘不掉你將我扛在肩上 我輕輕一想就碰到天堂
I can't forget you carrying me on your shoulders, with a gentle thought, I touch heaven.
你給我快樂 你給我希望 卻也帶走我們的夢想
You give me happiness, you give me hope, but you also take away our dreams.
我眼睛閉上 充滿淚水 淚水哭不回 你的離別
I close my eyes, filled with tears, tears that can't cry back your departure.
愛你的季節 一直都是晴天 你怎麼讓我 熬的過纏綿
The season I love you, it's always a sunny day, how do you let me endure the lingering?
我追不到你最後笑的臉龐 我追不到我吻你的心慌
I can't catch your last smiling face, I can't catch my heart pounding from kissing you.
是那麼寧靜 是那麼斷腸 彷彿我們不曾愛過一樣
It's so peaceful, it's so heartbreaking, as if we had never loved each other.
我忘不掉你將我扛在肩上 我輕輕一想就碰到天堂
I can't forget you carrying me on your shoulders, with a gentle thought, I touch heaven.
你給我快樂 你給我希望 卻也帶走我們的夢想
You give me happiness, you give me hope, but you also take away our dreams.
我追不到你最後笑的臉龐 我追不到我吻你的心慌
I can't catch your last smiling face, I can't catch my heart pounding from kissing you.
是那麼寧靜 是那麼斷腸 彷彿我們不曾愛過一樣
It's so peaceful, it's so heartbreaking, as if we had never loved each other.
*我忘不掉你將我扛在肩上* 我輕輕一想就碰到天堂
*I can't forget you carrying me on your shoulders* with a gentle thought, I touch heaven.
你給我快樂 你給我希望 卻也帶走我們的夢想
You give me happiness, you give me hope, but you also take away our dreams.
But also take away our dreams~~
Yo 2 毛毛蟲阿聖
Yo 2 毛毛蟲阿聖

Авторы: Chen Jian Ning, 1

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