許廷鏗 - 仁至義盡 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 許廷鏗 - 仁至義盡

It's Time to Let Go
停止 她不想要的花 乾脆別送
Enough with the unwanted flowers; stop sending them
停止 應將杯中苦澀 流放在 去水管中
Stop letting the bitterness in my cup flow into the drain
停止 别在別人樓下 企一萬分鐘
Stop camping out under her building for hours on end
長夜已斷送 換不到個短訊
Long nights have passed with no message in return
雖則說 仍然困於 這苦戀迷宮
Though I remain trapped in this labyrinth of heartache
若要走 總有退路回去 忘掉這初衷
There's always a way out if I choose to forget my original intentions
為難我 也沒用
It's useless to make things difficult for me
She has no qualms about hurting me
再別迷信 我那愚蠢 可敎情人感動
Stop believing in my foolish notion that I can win her over with my devotion
仁至 也義盡
I've done all I can; I've exhausted every effort
曾經這麽奮勇 無底深淵也照衝
I may have fought valiantly, but I've come to a dead end
總好過企在牆角 從未參加的信眾
At least I didn't just stand by the sidelines like a bystander
明知 必輸都要出擊 這叫任性
Even when I know I'll lose, I still charge forward; it's my stubborn nature
年輕 假使不蠢一次 還算是欠些熱情
In youth, if we don't act impulsively at least once, we've missed out on life's passions
如果 浪漫剩餘殘局 也不願甦醒
If the remnants of our love are beyond repair, then let them lie
人大了 沒帶回程票 才是個罪名
As we mature, we must accept that sometimes we must let go
為難我 也沒用
It's useless to make things difficult for me
She has no qualms about hurting me
再別迷信 我那愚蠢 可敎情人感動
Stop believing in my foolish notion that I can win her over with my devotion
仁至 也義盡
I've done all I can; I've exhausted every effort
曾經這麽奮勇 無底深淵也照衝
I may have fought valiantly, but I've come to a dead end
總好過企在牆角 從未參加的信眾
At least I didn't just stand by the sidelines like a bystander
I need to bury my head in the sand
To forget the reckless abandon I once had
無邪如 盤古恐龍 純情年月過 地與天不容
My innocence, like dinosaurs and the Big Bang, is a relic of the past
仁至 也義盡
I've done all I can; I've exhausted every effort
曾經這麽奮勇 無底深淵也照衝
I may have fought valiantly, but I've come to a dead end
總好過企在牆角 沉默得隱隱作痛
At least I didn't just stand by the sidelines, silently suffering

Авторы: Wei Wen Huang, An Hong Huang

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