許廷鏗 - 我的志願 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 許廷鏗 - 我的志願

My Aspiration
自細要踏太空 到大個別要認
As a child, I wanted to reach for the stars, but as I grew, I realized
但是大情大性 怎會忍心信命
That with my big dreams and my heart,
你我也說過 要獻身 世界太平
You and I said we'd give our all for a world at peace.
童年豪情 純為動聽
My childhood dreams, they were just sweet nothings.
人越大越難自選 怕吃不起虧損
As we grow older, it's harder to choose our own path, for fear of loss.
哪怕有翼會飛 不知哪刻已剪斷
Even if we had wings, we don't know when they'll be clipped.
成熟蠶食初衷 像作文 寫出志願
Maturity eats away at our dreams, like an essay, we write our aspirations.
還未寫完 但世界 已替我作出打算
Before we could finish, the world had already made its plans for us.
從未嫌路長夢短 不怕固執到心酸
I've never thought the road was too long or the dream too short, I wasn't afraid to be stubborn to the point of pain.
我有我做我想 不相信不夠飽暖
I had my dreams and I believed in them, even if they didn't bring me wealth or comfort.
無論離地多高 實踐真心喜歡的素願
No matter how far I stray from the norm, I'll still follow my heart's desires.
好高騖遠 永遠未算遠
Even if my dreams seem far-fetched, they're still mine.
大概細路已經 看著去路固定
Perhaps as children, we already saw the path laid out before us.
就像未曾白髮 早怕摸黑喪命
Even before our hair turned white, we feared stumbling in the dark.
你我愛好勝 更愛聽某某贊成
You and I love to win, and we love to hear the approval of others.
誰曾隨緣 何嘗盡興
Who has ever truly gone with the flow, and really lived?
人越大越難自選 怕吃不起虧損
As we grow older, it's harder to choose our own path, for fear of loss.
哪怕有翼會飛 竟給哪一個剪斷
Even if we had wings, who knows who clipped them?
成熟蠶食初衷 像作文 寫出志願
Maturity eats away at our dreams, like an essay, we write our aspirations.
還未寫完 但世界 已替我打交叉再 埋怨
Before we could finish, the world had already crossed us out and blamed us.
我信我有權 妄想到沒了沒完
I believe I have the right to dream without limits.
趁有勇氣 跳火圈
While I have the courage, I'll jump through any hoop.
還未懼路長夢短 不怕固執到心酸
I'm not afraid of the long road or the short dream, I'm not afraid to be stubborn to the point of pain.
我有我做我想 不相信不夠飽暖
I have my dreams and I believe in them, even if they don't bring me wealth or comfort.
無論離地多高 未放低 當初志願
No matter how far I stray from the norm, I'll never give up on my dreams.
懷著心願 永遠未算遠 我拒絕計算
With my dreams in my heart, there's no distance too far. I refuse to count the cost.

Авторы: Xi Lin, Guang Rong Chen

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