許廷鏗 - 重新長大 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 許廷鏗 - 重新長大

Growing Up Again
自細求求其其過 不知對錯
Growing up haphazardly from a young age, I didn't know right from wrong.
平日嘆氣怨氣多 也會闖禍
I often sighed and complained, causing trouble.
任教誨再聽過 但卻維持本我
I listened to lessons repeatedly, but I still stuck to my own ways.
只怕 太放肆種下惡果
I was afraid that being too reckless would lead to bad consequences.
I once yearned to grow up fast,
可惜光陰過得太快 衝得這樣快
But time passed too quickly, and I rushed through it.
曾犯錯 曾越界 曾被中傷與被踩 被無限放大
I made mistakes, crossed boundaries, and was slandered and trampled upon. These things were amplified endlessly.
委屈心結未解 不甘虛心接受挫折失敗
Grievances remained unresolved, as I refused to accept setbacks and failures.
怎強忍 殘留自尊都瓦解 試問誰愉快
How could I endure it? My remaining self-respect crumbled. Who could be happy?
沒法還原重來過 修補過錯
There's no way to rewind time and fix my mistakes.
明白過往那痛楚 已算收穫
I understand that the pain from the past is a kind of harvest.
後悔放縱走過 望那從前的我
I regret my reckless past. I look back on my former self,
數算 每秒也似浪費麼
And I wonder if I wasted every second.
I once yearned to grow up fast,
可惜光陰過得太快 衝得這樣快
But time passed too quickly, and I rushed through it.
曾犯錯 曾越界 曾被中傷與被踩 被無限放大
I made mistakes, crossed boundaries, and was slandered and trampled upon. These things were amplified endlessly.
委屈心結未解 不甘虛心接受挫折失敗
Grievances remained unresolved, as I refused to accept setbacks and failures.
怎強忍 殘留自尊都瓦解 試問誰愉快(喔 喔)
How could I endure it? My remaining self-respect crumbled. Who could be happy? (Oh, oh)
這世界多麼黑暗 誰獨自深深不忿
The world can be so dark. Who can help me with my deep resentment?
人大了 成熟了 難道我能自製開心
I'm all grown up and mature now, but can I really make myself happy?
I've never really learned how to grow up,
怎知光陰過得太快 衝得這樣快
I didn't realize that time would pass so quickly. It's been a whirlwind.
曾犯錯 曾越界 曾被中傷與被踩 是誰定勝敗
I made mistakes, crossed boundaries, and was slandered and trampled. Who decides who wins and loses?
終得不到諒解 堅守崗位接受這叫長大
I've never gotten an apology, but I've learned to accept this as growing up.
不要緊 隨成長得到瞭解 會越來越快
It's okay. As I grow, I'll understand more and more. It will start to make sense.

Авторы: Lok Shing Ronald Ng, Ting Keng Xu, Ji Nuo Ceng

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