許廷鏗 - 青春頌 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 許廷鏗 - 青春頌

Ode To Youth
若然現時士氣高昂 即管放肆任性
If our morale is high right now, let's just be reckless and willful
當你感到無力軟弱 切記不怪宿命
When you feel weak and powerless, remember not to blame fate
若然做人未算聰明 更要賣力亡命
If you're not that smart, then you must try even harder
還未要負責之際 切記盡興
Before you have any responsibilities, remember to have fun
誰亦會隨年變老 方懂得童年多好
Everyone will get old with time, then you'll realize how good childhood was
等不到來年變老 才懷念 那種悠然腳步
Don't wait until next year to get old, to miss that leisurely pace
來吧趁毫無控訴 快釋穿沿途的污糟
Come on, while there are no accusations, quickly get rid of the dirt along the way
這段少年時間 既然昂貴 大好青春要盡耗
This time of youth, since it's precious, we must use all of our great youth
Remember to share every night with the most beautiful people
Don't forget that it's perseverance that heals every wound
Since you have the strength, stand tall and fight back
Don't be afraid of the rain getting in your eyes
無用聽誰來勸告 一街的人言滔滔
It's useless to listen to advice, the people's words are endless
不需坐下來計數 前行吧 你想做 全意做
No need to sit down and calculate, go ahead, do what you want to do, do it with all your heart
如沒有無窮氣數 也可跟神明賭一鋪
Even if you don't have infinite luck, you can still take a gamble with God
這段少年時間 有誰無悔 大好青春要消耗
This time of youth, who has no regrets? We must use all of our great youth
Remember to share every night with the most beautiful people
Don't forget that it's perseverance that heals every wound
Remember to try to sign more bills while you still have some funds
如若你還淘氣 你還強壯 盡管出走別折返
If you're still mischievous and strong, go ahead and go, don't come back
無需定立時限 如風一般往返
No need to set a time limit, come and go like the wind
人未老 還未晚 還未到盡頭記住來放心荒旦
You're not old yet, it's not too late, it's not the end, remember to relax and be reckless
若生命是無限 何必自定界限
If life is infinite, why set limits for yourself?
We must be greedy for our great youth
Remember to share every night with the most beautiful people
Don't forget that it's perseverance that heals every wound
Remember to try to sign more bills while you still have some funds
如若你還淘氣 你還強壯 盡管出走別折返
If you're still mischievous and strong, go ahead and go, don't come back
Remember to have fun every day, party all night long
Don't forget that it's simplicity that heals every disaster
Since you have the strength, stand tall and fight back
無懼雨水沾濕兩眼 年月燦爛
Don't be afraid of the rain getting in your eyes, the years are brilliant

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