許慧欣 - All About Us - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 許慧欣 - All About Us

All About Us
All About Us
太久 沒有了答案 愛不停帶走回憶
It's been too long without an answer, love keeps taking our memories away
等你回來去猜 我猜你 不一定會明白
Waiting for you to come back and guess, I guess you may not understand
只怕你不夠勇敢 等命運安排
I'm afraid you're not brave enough to wait for fate to decide
*讓感情 不會停熄 讓愛 不會輕言放棄
*Let love never die, let love never give up easily
和你 說過的話 在我 心裡揮不去
The words I said to you, linger in my heart
☆It's All About Me It's All About You
☆It's All About Me It's All About You
在一瞬間明白 愛多麼簡單 只要你作伴
In a moment, I understand how simple love is, as long as you're my companion
It's All About Me It's All About You
It's All About Me It's All About You
在愛身上 找到的記號
The signs I found in love
It's All About Us It's All About Us
It's All About Us It's All About Us
和夢 玩個遊戲 躲藏在你的心底
Playing a game with dreams, hiding in the depths of your heart
結束時該不該 再用愛 回應你的存在
When it's over, should I use love again to respond to your existence
才讓你真的看開 一切的答案
To make you truly see the answers to everything
It's All About Me It's All About You
It's All About Me It's All About You
在一瞬間明白 愛多麼簡單 只要你作伴
In a moment, I understand how simple love is, as long as you're my companion
It's All About Me It's All About You
It's All About Me It's All About You
在愛身上 找到的記號
The signs I found in love
It's All About Us
It's All About Us
It's All About Us It's All About Us
It's All About Us It's All About Us
這世界有多少的好與壞 We're gonna get through
How much good and bad is there in this world? We're gonna get through it
這愛情有多少的悲與喜 We're gonna get through
How much sorrow and joy is there in this love? We're gonna get through it
我們會在一起的日子裡 We're gonna get through
In the days we'll spend together, we're gonna get through it
時間會找到 你要的問號 化成了句號
Time will find the question mark you need, and turn it into a period
It's All About Me It's All About You
It's All About Me It's All About You
I don't know much about love
I don't know much about love
It's All About Me It's All About You
It's All About Me It's All About You
As long as you're my companion
It's All About Me It's All About You
It's All About Me It's All About You

Авторы: James Mcmillan, Liz Winstanley

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