謝和弦 - 林书豪 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 謝和弦 - 林书豪

Jeremy Lin
On August 23, 1988, he came to the world
出生在美國的加州 念了哈佛大學
Born in California, USA, he attended Harvard University
He loved playing basketball since he was a child
Also joined the school basketball team
He led the team to win the championship and the championship trophy
He expected to be able to play in the NBA one day
2010年 他參加NBA 新秀選拔會
In 2010, he participated in the NBA Draft
But no one paid attention to him except Golden State Warriors
He once happily thought that it would be his chance
I played a few games but did not perform well
被叫去當倒茶小弟 幫忙遞毛巾遞開水
They sent me to be a ball boy, handed me towels and water
Sent down to the Development League three times to go home and sleep
他的黃皮膚 常被種族歧視 外國人不屑
His yellow skin was often discriminated against, foreigners with disdain
他告訴自己一定要爭氣 讓他們看走眼
He told himself to be ambitious and let them open their eyes
One day they will know who he is
In 2011, he was signed by the New York Knicks
At first he was just a bench player
The Knicks' main players were injured, giving him a chance to play
Unexpectedly, God gave him a miracle
He led the team to win seven consecutive victories and made a lore against the Raptors
He is the light of the Chinese, the young man Lin Shuhao
He is the pride of the Taiwanese, the glory of God
He is the hero of Linsanity, never afraid of falling
He always strives for progress with unremitting prayers
He knows what he's doing, regardless of what others think
He believes that after despair, there will be hope
他堅信上帝有對他的安排 給他力量
He firmly believes that God has an arrangement for him, giving him strength
He has never forgotten his roots in Taiwan
He is the light of the Chinese, the young man Lin Shuhao
He is the pride of the Taiwanese, the glory of God
He is the hero of Linsanity, never afraid of falling
He always strives for progress with unremitting prayers
He knows what he's doing, regardless of what others think
He believes that after despair, there will be hope
他堅信上帝有對他的安排 給他力量
He firmly believes that God has an arrangement for him, giving him strength
He has never forgotten his roots and hometown in Taiwan
OH 伊啥咪攏不驚 OH 向前行
OH I'm not afraid of anything OH Go ahead
He scored 38 points when he played against the Lakers
讓湖人隊的老大不爽說 這咧屁孩到底是誰
Who made the boss of the Lakers unhappy said this brat who the hell is it
他可以助功也單打 還可以投三分球 他還會灌籃
He can assist and play singles, and he can also shoot three-pointers. Wow, he can also dunk
Just when things were going well, he felt pain in his knee
After examination, it was confirmed that his knee meniscus was torn
他成為尼克隊的傷兵 他又成了自由球員 又被下放FUCK
He became a wounded soldier in the Knicks and became a free agent again and was demoted again FUCK
2012年他加入了火箭隊 因為媒體炒作的名氣他有時候補有時先發
In 2012, he joined the Rockets because of the fame hyped by the media, sometimes he was a substitute and sometimes he was a starter
He thought it would be good to have a ball to play
用平常心交出成績單 把握每次上場
Handing in a transcript with a normal mind, seizing every chance to play
雖然不像之前在尼克隊那樣意氣風發 但他還是成為了史上課第一個完成了大三圓的華人球員 也是火箭隊第一個從板凳出發卻能拿下31分的神話
Although not as high-spirited as in the Knicks before, he still became the first Chinese player in history to complete a triple-double, and the first myth in the Rockets to score 31 points off the bench
2014年 火箭隊卻放棄他
In 2014, the Rockets gave up on him
在火箭隊主場掛上安東尼身穿7號球衣的圖像 但上帝沒有放棄他還帶領他加入洛杉磯湖人隊 現在Kobe 是他老大
Anthony's image in a No. 7 jersey was hung on the Rockets' home court. But God did not give up on him and brought him to the Los Angeles Lakers. Now Kobe is his boss
He is the light of the Chinese, the young man Lin Shuhao
He is the pride of the Taiwanese, the glory of God
He is the hero of Linsanity, never afraid of falling
He always strives for progress with unremitting prayers
He knows what he's doing, regardless of what others think
He believes that after despair, there will be hope
他堅信上帝有對他的安排 給他力量
He firmly believes that God has an arrangement for him, giving him strength
He has never forgotten his roots in Taiwan
He is the light of the Chinese, the young man Lin Shuhao
He is the pride of the Taiwanese, the glory of God
He is the hero of Linsanity, never afraid of falling
He always strives for progress with unremitting prayers
He knows what he's doing, regardless of what others think
He believes that after despair, there will be hope
他堅信上帝有對他的安排 給他力量
He firmly believes that God has an arrangement for him, giving him strength
He has never forgotten his roots and hometown in Taiwan

謝和弦 - Compilation

1 i'm not bad boy
2 活在当下不是裤裆下
3 死人开棺 演奏
4 柳树下 伴奏版
5 柳树下 18秒铃声版
6 林书豪
7 有事吗
8 最佳选择
9 爱你
10 暧昧
11 新兵日记
12 批着羊皮的狼 海平面 顽童
13 打不死的小強
14 我给的温柔
15 我真的都明白
16 我的英文很弱
17 我们都不是谁的全部
18 晚安夜之美 demo
19 爱情大傻瓜
20 爸爸辛苦了
21 白色巨塔
22 這是最後一次
23 the rock 铃声
24 女孩妳知道嗎
25 Let It Be
26 甘願
27 Feel Good
28 壞學生
29 魔三部曲 蒐魂曲、洗魂曲、安魂曲 演奏
30 阿母我会乖
31 铁克禁卫军进行曲 演奏
32 铁克无极 演奏
33 那不是雪中红 demo版
34 那不是雪中红 demo
35 这是最后一次
36 虽然很芭乐 真的很芭乐demo肉麻版
37 虽然很芭乐 44秒铃声版
38 等我回来
39 相思病
40 我们之间
41 那一定會很帥
42 我不是白马王子 但你是我的公主
43 恋人未满 改编版
44 全面启动
45 全都看得见 demo
46 做我的女朋友好不好
47 你是真的离开
48 你妈没有告诉你吗
49 东区现实面
50 不开心的父亲节 demo
51 十字架上的耶稣
52 一笑带过
53 一个人的台北车站
54 the rock 抢听版
55 say yeah 伴奏版
56 no鸡鸭乐团
57 never let you down 42秒铃声版
58 never let you down 19秒铃声版
59 一直走下去
60 变龙天 演奏
61 只欠一句我爱你
62 台北台北
63 恋人未满
64 忍住不掉的泪
65 後青春是什麼輓歌
66 当我就这样爱上了你
67 幸福计画
68 幸福计划
69 岁月如梭 毕业歌曲
70 完整版 玩命关头
71 孤单圣诞节
72 如果我们还在一起 demo
73 好聚怎么好散
74 够爱
75 夏之寒 演奏
76 在没有你以后
77 周大妈
78 后青春是什么挽歌
79 同病相怜
80 情和义 值千金 demo

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