We must pursue passion and love at all costs and never treat it like a game
我們要學會珍惜 要珍惜自己 不要再讓下個愛你的人殤心
We must learn to cherish ourselves and never let down our significant others
還記不記得 那天好聚好散 我好心要遞面紙給你 你卻愛面子不拿
Remember the good times and the bad, I tried to hand you a tissue, but you were too full of pride
我們之間 還有多少 心裡的話 三杯黃湯下肚之後 再繼續說吧
We have said so much to each other but our hearts still have so much to say. Lets get a drink and catch up.
與其說 我們都是過來人 不如說 我們都曾經當過爛人
Instead of being known as people who have already experienced life, we should be known for the mistakes that we have made and how we have learned from them
不得不承認 我們都不是乖寶寶 好學生 可是不代表 不能進化成更好的人
We all have to admit that we are not perfect, and this is no excuse to not become better people.
一起努力過曾經追求過的夢 不管過了多久 都牢記在心中
Lets remember the dreams that we once had no matter how long ago it was.
不需再多說 一個擁抱就夠 我的眼神 只有你懂 它代表什麼
No need to say much, a hug is enough, my eyes tell you what they have to,
一起在歲月裡面酌不完的酒 不管現在未來我們成不成功
We will always have our memories of the times we have shared,
此刻的擁有 是我的身邊 還有你們這些朋友
Right now, this is my moment, with friends like you
還記不記得 那天好聚好散 我好心要遞面紙給你 你卻愛面子不拿
Remember the good times and the bad, I tried to hand you a tissue, but you were too full of pride
我們之間 還有多少 心裡的話 三杯黃湯下肚之後 再繼續說吧
We have said so much to each other but our hearts still have so much to say. Lets get a drink and catch up.
與其說 我們都是過來人 不如說 我們都曾經當過爛人
Instead of being known as people who have already experienced life, we should be known for the mistakes that we have made and how we have learned from them
不得不承認 我們都不是乖寶寶 好學生 可是不代表 不能進化成更好的人
We all have to admit that we are not perfect, and this is no excuse to not become better people.
一起努力過曾經追求過的夢 不管過了多久 都牢記在心中
Lets remember the dreams that we once had no matter how long ago it was.
不需再多說 一個擁抱就夠 我的眼神 只有你懂 它代表什麼
No need to say much, a hug is enough, my eyes tell you what they have to,
一起在歲月裡面酌不完的酒 不管現在未來我們成不成功
We will always have our memories of the times we have shared,
此刻的擁有 是我的身邊 還有你們這些朋友
Right now, this is my moment, with friends like you
我們要學會珍惜 要珍惜愛情 不要把真心當作遊戲
We must pursue passion and love at all costs and never treat it like a game
我們要學會珍惜 要珍惜自己 不要再讓下個愛你的人殤心
We must learn to cherish ourselves and never let down our significant others
不需再多說 一個擁抱就夠 我的眼神 只有你懂 它代表什麼
A hug is enough, my eyes tell you what they have to,
此刻的擁有 是我的身邊 還有你們這些朋友
Right now, this is my moment, with friends like you
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