謝易霖 feat. 張天嬡 & 于子庭 - 留聲 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 謝易霖 feat. 張天嬡 & 于子庭 - 留聲

Fu Dan Senior High School 56th Grade Graduation Song - Echoes
膠片轉了幾圈 黑色漩渦倒退
The vinyl spins, a black vortex rewinds
熟悉的旋律間 思念的人是誰
Familiar melodies, who are the missed?
笑聲穿梭歲月 倒映著你側臉
Laughter echoes through the years, reflecting your face
即使歌唱離別 你在身邊一切就不是傷悲
Though the song is of parting, with you by my side, all else fades
記得嗎 年少的輕狂如何留下
Remember, our youthful exuberance, how it left its mark
抬頭望 夕陽晚霞惹紅了眼眶
I look up, the sunset's glow reddens my eyes
回憶湧現 熟悉的寒暄
Memories flood, familiar greetings
Swirling in the depths of my mind
追尋吧 那年攜手奮鬥的過往
Let's seek out those past struggles we shared
齊聲唱 聚遇在這該有多難忘
Sing in unison, how unforgettable our gathering here
留住那些 懷念的語言
Preserve those nostalgic words
我們要一起 留著聲聲唱想念
Together we'll sing and sing, longing for the past
搖晃的桌椅前 晚自習還在睡
Before shaky desks, we'd doze off during night study
期待未來哪天 彼此還懷抱當年默契不減
Hoping that someday, we'd still share that unspoken bond
Scars etched with pain and beauty
也留下 反叛的誓言
Leaving behind rebellious vows
We promised an eternal bond, like entwined hair
As vibrant as a rainbow
記得嗎 年少的輕狂如何留下
Remember, our youthful exuberance, how it left its mark
抬頭望 夕陽晚霞惹紅了眼眶
I look up, the sunset's glow reddens my eyes
回憶湧現 熟悉的寒暄
Memories flood, familiar greetings
Swirling in the depths of my mind
追尋吧 那年攜手奮鬥的過往
Let's seek out those past struggles we shared
齊聲唱 聚遇在這該有多難忘
Sing in unison, how unforgettable our gathering here
留住那些 懷念的語言
Preserve those nostalgic words
我們要一起 留著聲聲唱想念
Together we'll sing and sing, longing for the past
就飛吧 相信我們能展翅翱翔
So let's fly, believing we can soar
別害怕 擦乾眼淚要繼續出發
Don't be afraid, dry your tears and carry on
摺下夢想 尋千陽方向
Fold our dreams, seeking the direction of a thousand suns
留下聲聲紅瓦 訴說著那年盛夏
Leaving behind the echoes of red tiles, telling the tale of that summer
留下聲聲紅瓦 訴說著那年盛夏
Leaving behind the echoes of red tiles, telling the tale of that summer

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