費玉清 - 獨飲 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 費玉清 - 獨飲

Lone Drink
誰知昨日雲煙未散 淚往夢裡摻
Who knew that yesterday's clouds and mist had not yet dispersed, that tears would mix into dreams
今夜又是矇矓 細雨闌珊
Tonight, it is hazy again, the fine rain falling sparsely
早已隨風冷冷淡淡 悲哀和喜歡
Already following the wind, cold and indifferent, sorrow and joy
但今朝又來飄渺 似真似幻
But this morning, they float in again, as if real, yet as if illusions
惆悵憶當年 天真多浪漫
I sadly recall those years, when we were innocent, how romantic
Bathing together in the starlight, so bright
輾轉想如今 世情太淒涼
Now I toss and turn, thinking of today, that worldly feelings are too desolate
任相思無言相對 情何以堪
Letting lovesickness confront me without a word, how can I endure?
今夜你在何方 思念如茶如酒
Tonight, where are you?思念如茶如酒
斟不盡 明日天涯的我
Can't be poured out, tomorrow, I'll be far away
多少人在他鄉 陪著歲月獨飲
How many people in a foreign land, accompany the years in solitary drinking
這一生 漫漫長長
This life, long and drawn-out
惆悵憶當年 天真多浪漫
I sadly recall those years, when we were innocent, how romantic
Bathing together in the starlight, so bright
輾轉想如今 世情太淒涼
Now I toss and turn, thinking of today, that worldly feelings are too desolate
任相思無言相對 情何以堪
Letting lovesickness confront me without a word, how can I endure?
今夜你在何方 思念如茶如酒
Tonight, where are you?思念如茶如酒
斟不盡 明日天涯的我
Can't be poured out, tomorrow, I'll be far away
多少人在他鄉 陪著歲月獨飲
How many people in a foreign land, accompany the years in solitary drinking
這一生 漫漫長長
This life, long and drawn-out
今夜你在何方 思念如茶如酒
Tonight, where are you?思念如茶如酒
斟不盡 明日天涯的我
Can't be poured out, tomorrow, I'll be far away
多少人在他鄉 陪著歲月獨飲
How many people in a foreign land, accompany the years in solitary drinking
這一生 漫漫長長
This life, long and drawn-out
這一生 漫漫 長長
This life, long and drawn out

Авторы: zi heng lee

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