費玉清 - 運河 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 費玉清 - 運河

Otaru Canal
雨ふる小樽で 傘の中別れた
We parted beneath an umbrella in rainy Otaru.
季節はもうすぐ 秋がそこまで
The season is about to change, and autumn is near.
背中にすがって お前は泣いてた
You clung to my back and wept.
海ではカモメも 寒そうに鳴いていた
Seagulls seemed to cry mournfully in the sea.
夕焼けに 染まる運河
The canal is bathed in the sunset's glow,
忘れない あの日の涙を
And I will never forget the tears of that day.
今でも居るだろか 北国あの町に
I wonder if you're still there, in that northern town.
今でも居るだろか 愛しきあの女(ひと)よ
I wonder if you're still there, my beloved.
雪ふる便りが 届けば想うよ
When news of falling snow arrives, I think of you.
忘れないあの夜(よ)の 揺れる運河灯(あかり)よ
I won't forget that night, the swaying lights of the canal.
追(つ)いては行けない 迎えに来てよと
I cannot follow you. Come for me,
誓って別れた 二人の船見坂(ふなみざか)
As we vowed at Funa-miza Slope.
凍りつく 小樽運河
The Otaru Canal freezes over.
淋しさに ふるえてはいないか
Are you trembling in the loneliness?
倖せで居るかと 北国あの町に
I wonder if you're happy, in that northern town,
倖せで居るかと 愛しきあの女(ひと)よ
If you're happy, my beloved.
こらえた涙が グラスにこぼれて
Tears I held back spill into my glass,
夜明けを待ってた 港の見える店
As I wait for dawn in the harbor-view café.
せめてハマナス 咲くまで居てよと
I only asked that you stay until the hamanasu blooms.
遠くを見つめた あの面影(かお)忘れない
I won't forget that distant gaze of yours.
春を待つ 小樽運河
The Otaru Canal awaits the spring.
も一度 も一度逢いたい
I want to see you, just once more.
今でも居るだろか 北国あの町に
I wonder if you're still there, in that northern town.
今でも居るだろか 愛(いと)しきあの女(ひと)よ
I wonder if you're still there, my beloved.

Авторы: Jia Chang Liu

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