農夫 - 十七年華 - перевод текста песни на английский

十七年華 - 農夫перевод на английский

Seventeen Years of Youth
叛逆少女墮樓亡 迷魂毒品累一生
A rebellious girl fell to her death, her life ruined by drugs.
Come on, come on, walk with me.
I think I'll walk up these stairs and it won't bother me.
I think there must be a lot of beautiful places on the rooftop for me to choose from.
Let me choose one that will make me die a little slower.
Die more brilliantly.
記得 教堂啲 father 話要當正 father 係我親生 father
Remember? The priest in the church said we must treat the father as our real father.
Never blaspheme him.
但係我嘅親生 father 就係每晚趴喺我度攞我嚟洩慾
But my real father is the one who lies on top of me every night and takes advantage of me.
噉我嘅結局 係咪就係行多十七層?
So is this the end for me, to walk up another seventeen floors?
我而家十七歲 座大廈冇第十八層
I'm seventeen now, and there's no eighteenth floor in this building.
So, will I have an eighteenth birthday?
少女尋死 慈父燒鵝脾跚跚來遲
Girl seeks death, while her father arrives late with roasted goose leg.
我日日等 日日忍 但係點解都硬係噉?
I wait every day, endure every day, but why is it always like this?
問上主 問老師 話畀通街啲社工知
I ask God, ask the teacher, tell the social workers on the streets.
但係佢哋話我飛女 衰女 吹水
But they say I'm a bad girl, a spoiled girl, a liar.
不特止 仲話「咦?乜你開始食毒品」
Not only that, they even say, "Oh, you've started taking drugs."
冇錯我成身安眠藥 但係冇諗過食安眠藥死
Yes, I'm full of sleeping pills, but I'm not thinking of taking them to die.
It's just that my body is weak.
醫生著略畀幾樽 等我返屋企可以略略瞓得著
The doctor kindly gave me a few bottles so that I could sleep a little when I got home.
But that home
我冇再返返嚟 我老竇跟本係隻生番嚟
I don't come back anymore, my old man is just a brute.
You're not watching horror movies now.
My mother will come back to life after taking some Chinese medicine.
Mom, I'm coming down to see you.
The left picture shows the deceased falling from a height.
The right picture shows the deceased girl's father
Heartbroken after hearing the terrible news.
This picture is exclusive to our newspaper.
The left picture shows the deceased falling from a height.
The right picture shows the deceased girl's father
Heartbroken after hearing the terrible news.
This picture is exclusive to our newspaper.
At this moment, this place is becoming distant.
就當流雲散聚 我又化做雨水
As the clouds gather and disperse, I transform into rain.
That night, as the rain falls outside, the stars are falling.
來而又去 你我不過又再兜圈
Coming and going, you and I are just going round and round.
本報訊 某中學中三輔導班一名女學生
News report: A female student in the remedial class of a secondary school
Was found late last night by the night guard, Mr. Wong, of her building,
Lying on the ground between the entrance of the building and the car park.
The deceased was unconscious when found.
She was pronounced dead after being taken to hospital.
女死者梁 X 交叉 十七歲
The deceased, Leung X (17 years old),
Had very poor grades in school and was a delinquent girl.
At home, she was an only child,
Her mother passed away many years ago, and she lived with her father.
身兼母職的父親一向疼愛女兒 (你點知?)
Her father, who also played the role of a mother, loved his daughter very much (How do you know?)
他昨夜下班時 原想逗女兒歡喜
Last night, when he got off work, he wanted to make his daughter happy.
買了燒鵝脾 豈料 未幾
He bought roasted goose legs, but soon,
Upon returning home, he learned that his daughter had committed suicide.
我仲唔死 唔通等佢食完隻燒鵝脾 再擒上嚟?
Am I going to die? Or wait for him to finish eating the roasted goose leg before he catches me?
Mr. Leung said with a dazed look
"Silly girl, you can tell your old man what happened at school."
警員於死者身上發現安眠藥 (喂我瞓唔著喎)
The police found sleeping pills (Hey, I can't sleep) on the deceased
與咳藥水 (我咳喎)
And cough syrup (I have a cough)
Suspected to be evidence of suicide due to drug overdose.
此時這地就這樣遠離 (第二天沒人理會這新聞)
At this moment, this place is becoming distant (The next day, no one cares about this news).
就當流雲散聚 我又化做雨水 (第三天沒人理會這新聞 第四天沒人理會這新聞)
As the clouds gather and disperse, I transform into rain (On the third day, no one cares about this news. On the fourth day, no one cares about this news).
窗外雨下那夜星又隕落 (第五天同類事件再發生 第六天人人關注那新聞)
That night, as the rain falls outside, the stars are falling (On the fifth day, a similar incident happens again. On the sixth day, everyone is paying attention to the news).
來而又去 你我不過又再兜圈 (第七天沒人理會那新聞 第八天沒人理會那新聞)
Coming and going, you and I are just going round and round (On the seventh day, no one cares about the news. On the eighth day, no one cares about the news).
(On the ninth day, no one cares about the news).
(On the tenth day, no one cares about the news).

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