農夫 - 風生水起 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 農夫 - 風生水起

Wind and Water Rise
Honey, come out and read my palm again,
Nung Fu won an award again this year,
睇掌睇掌睇相 (急急如律令
Read my palm, read my palm and read my face. (Hocus pocus)
攞獎攞獎演唱 (俾啲掌聲有請)
Win an award and give a performance. (Give us some applause, please)
A person's fate is determined by three things: fate, luck, and feng shui.
人有三衰六旺 我仲要衰到幾歲
I'm just an ordinary guy. When will I have my lucky break?
究竟點解 佢出世嗰時含住條金鎖匙
Why was that guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth?
又點解 我成間屋仲細過佢個坐厠
Why is my apartment smaller than his toilet?
又點解 我次次買六合彩時中得一個字
Why do I only get one number right when I play the lottery?
係咪我出事 出世喺亥時
Was I born under an unlucky star?
點解 佢係我波士揸波子
Why is that guy my boss and I'm just a nobody?
I have a lot of coins, but he has a lot of women.
Different people, different fates, different umbrellas, different handles.
19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12
A person's fate is determined by three things: fate, luck, and feng shui.
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 lucky stars
六六無窮都仲咁衰 七除八扣又九十歲
Even after all these years, I'm still unlucky. I'm 90 years old!
Even bald men have different fates.
人出唱片我出唱片 出到喺頒獎典禮裡面
He released an album, and I released an album too. We both went to the awards ceremony.
But the camera didn't point at me.
The audience didn't see me.
We were sitting next to Chet Lam.
Next to Chet Lam, next to Chet Lam
點樣先做到歌星 急急如律令
How can we become famous singers? Hocus pocus.
Give us some applause, please.
玲玲出嚟又睇掌喇 農夫今年又攞獎喇
Honey, come out and read my palm again. Nung Fu won an award again this year,
睇掌睇掌睇相 (急急如律令
Read my palm, read my palm and read my face. (Hocus pocus)
攞獎攞獎演唱 (俾啲掌聲有請)
Win an award and give a performance. (Give us some applause, please)
A person's fate is determined by three things: fate, luck, and feng shui.
I built up my good karma when I was six.
七八年後我生個女 九十幾歲都仲未去
I'll have a daughter in nine years. I'll be almost 100 years old when she's born.
Everyone has a different fate.
He plays soccer, and I play soccer too.
但係點解人哋踢皇馬 我就踢南華
But he plays for Real Madrid, and I play for South China.
球迷唔多想睇 我又唔多矜貴
The fans don't want to watch me play, and I'm not very competitive.
I just want to keep the peace.
Tie, tie, tie, tie, tie, tie, tie.
點樣先做到球星 急急如律令
How can we become famous soccer players? Hocus pocus,
Give us some applause, please.
Monologue (Mak Ling Ling):
我話屬豬嘅朋友 屬鼠嘅朋友
I'm talking to all the Pigs, Rats,
屬牛嘅朋友 屬老虎嘅朋友
Oxen, Tigers,
屬蛇嘅朋友 屬馬嘅朋友
Snakes, Horses,
夠唔夠十二生肖呀 (點呀 嘅朋友點呀) 嘅朋友
Are there 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac? (What about the ) of friends?
睇掌睇掌睇相 (急急如律令)
Read my palm, read my palm and read my face. (Hocus pocus)
攞獎攞獎演唱 (我哋有請玲玲)
Win an award and give a performance. (Please welcome Mak Ling Ling)
Rap (Mak Ling Ling):
I've been able to read faces and palms since I was born.
I've studied feng shui for 20 years, so I know all about the four directions.
我掌又睇到 相又睇到
I can read your palm and your face.
Rapping is easy for me.
鼻頭好有肉 內心就冇毒
A fleshy nose means you're kind-hearted.
眼睛水汪汪 桃花運暢旺
Big, watery eyes mean you're lucky in love.
眉尾散 儲錢難
Sparse eyebrows mean you have trouble saving money.
上唇厚重情 下唇厚比較重性
A thick upper lip means you're affectionate. A thick lower lip means you're passionate.
玲玲玲玲 我有嘢問
Mak Ling Ling, Mak Ling Ling, I have a question.
What's my love life like?
Rap(麥玲玲):C君好男人 過幾年就結婚
Rap (Mak Ling Ling): Mr. Chow, you're a good man. You'll get married in a few years.
呀玲玲玲玲 我有嘢問
Mak Ling Ling, Mak Ling Ling, I have a question.
What's my wife like?
Rap(麥玲玲):陸永大情人 個老婆好銷魂
Rap (Mak Ling Ling): Mr. C, you're a great lover. Your wife is a real catch.
Master, can you tell me
What I should do for a living?
Rap(麥玲玲):C君文筆好 最啱做寫稿佬
Rap (Mak Ling Ling): Mr. Chow, you're a good writer. You should be a copywriter.
Master, please do me a favor
Tell me what I can do to make a lot of money.
Rap(麥玲玲):陸永要表演 最適合做幕前
Rap (Mak Ling Ling): Mr. C, you should be a performer. You're perfect for the stage.
Mak Ling Ling, Mak Ling Ling, don't go yet.
What should Nung Fu do to be successful?
Rap(麥玲玲):C君多主意 陸永要做主持
Rap (Mak Ling Ling): Mr. Chow, you have a lot of ideas. Mr. C, you should be a host.
The most important thing is to read the feng shui correctly.
Don't let what other people say bother you.
Honey, come out and read my palm again,
Nung Fu won an award again this year,
睇掌睇掌睇相 (急急如律令
Read my palm, read my palm and read my face. (Hocus pocus)
攞獎攞獎演唱 (俾啲掌聲有請)
Win an award and give a performance. (Give us some applause, please)

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