On the 12th, wandering through the orchards of California, I lost a face of resentment and had no more affection for you.
十六號 沐浴九州的溫泉 遺失癡心一片 大概我 情緒快要復元
On the 16th, bathing in the hot springs of Kyushu, I lost a piece of my infatuation, and my emotions were almost restored.
手裏 行李 送檢 再不過重 沒有懷念
The luggage in my hand is not too heavy when it is checked. I have no nostalgia.
自嘲 自傷 自憐 已成過期舊證件 逐點留低掛念 直到沒法心軟
Self-deprecating, self-pitying, and self-pitying have become expired old credentials, leaving behind some nostalgia until I can't soften my heart.
沒故意 留下底片 捕捉 幸福的片段 這張明信片 路邊一角任選
I didn't mean to leave a photo capturing a moment of happiness. This postcard is randomly selected from a roadside corner.
沒故意 提及辛酸 換取 陌生的掛念 不知你那張臉 留在那間酒店
I didn't mean to mention the sadness in exchange for the concern of a stranger. I don't know what face of yours is left in that hotel.
二十號 大笨鐘的陰影前 還清所有虧欠 贖過了 我那晴天
On the 20th, in front of the shadows of Big Ben, I paid off all my debts and redeemed my sunny day.
廿六號 復活島的古蹟前 留低貪嗔癡怨 或藉故 忘記帶往樂園
On the 26th, in front of the ancient relics of Easter Island, I left behind my greed, anger, and resentment, or perhaps I forgot to take them to paradise on purpose.
禱告 在聖母院 我的聖母 沒有浮現
Prayer, in Notre Dame, my Virgin Mary, did not appear.
默哀 在山手線 旅途太長 夜太短
Mourning, on the Yamanote Line, the journey is too long and the night is too short.
號哭 在彰化縣 害怕被你聽見
Weeping, in Changhua County, I am afraid you will hear me.
沒故意 留下底片 捕捉 幸福的片段 風光明信片 並非寫信地點
I didn't mean to leave a photo capturing a moment of happiness. The scenic postcards are not the place to write a letter.
沒故意 提及辛酸 換取 陌生的掛念 PS再說一遍 前事已經湮遠
I didn't mean to mention the sadness in exchange for the concern of a stranger. P.S. I'll say it again, what happened before is in the past.
沒故意 留下底片 捕捉 幸福的片段 風光明信片 並非寫信地點
I didn't mean to leave a photo capturing a moment of happiness. The scenic postcards are not the place to write a letter.
沒故意 提及辛酸 換取 陌生的掛念 PS再說一遍 前事已經湮遠
I didn't mean to mention the sadness in exchange for the concern of a stranger. P.S. I'll say it again, what happened before is in the past.
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