邰肇玫 - 淡藍色的星星 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 邰肇玫 - 淡藍色的星星

Pale Blue Star
淡藍色的星星 是你的眼睛
The pale blue star is your eye
它眨呀眨個不停 好像在訴說衷情
It's twinkling, twinkling ceaselessly, as if telling a story of affection
淡藍色的星星 是你的心情
The pale blue star is your heart
它想呀想個不停 難道它不懂愛情
It's thinking, thinking incessantly, does it not comprehend love?
喂喂淡藍色的星星 等等我呀停一停
Hey pale blue star, wait for me, stop for a moment
喂喂淡藍色的星星 讓我走近行不行
Hey pale blue star, let me approach, is it alright?
淡藍色的星星 總是好遙遠
The pale blue star is always so distant
我沒法和它靠近 難道它不懂愛情
I cannot get close to it, does it not comprehend love?
喂喂淡藍色的星星 等等我呀停一停
Hey pale blue star, wait for me, stop for a moment
喂喂淡藍色的星星 讓我走近行不行
Hey pale blue star, let me approach, is it alright?
喂喂淡藍色的星星 等等我呀停一停
Hey pale blue star, wait for me, stop for a moment
喂喂淡藍色的星星 讓我走近行不行
Hey pale blue star, let me approach, is it alright?
Hey pale blue star

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