G.E.M. - Seine - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни G.E.M. - Seine

Realy ··· Go
Really ··· Go
你對愛並不了解 誤會愛的分類
You don't understand love, misunderstanding its classifications,
把最珍貴的玫瑰 當作荒野薔薇
Treating the most precious rose as a wild briar.
相信了你的承諾 讓愛蒙蔽我的眼
Believing your promises, letting love blind my eyes,
塞納河的光線 照不亮心的那邊
The light of the Seine can't illuminate the other side of my heart.
The endpoint of betrayal,
線索己那麼明顯 你的愛是欺騙
The clues are so obvious, your love is a deception.
我在一千零一夜 守著錯誤的簽
I, in a thousand and one nights, guarding a mistaken signature,
真相似毒刺漫延 心被扎得出血
The truth spreads like a poisonous thorn, my heart pricked till it bleeds.
你和我的愛之間 主角是背叛
Between you and my love, the protagonist is betrayal,
A hypocritical performance.
在塞納河上的玫瑰 它的養份是我的淚
The rose on the Seine, its nourishment is my tears,
花瓣的顏色愈妖艷 我卻愈憔悴
The more enchanting the color of the petals, the more haggard I become.
發現了自己信仰的依賴 逐漸瓦解
Discovering the faith I relied on gradually disintegrating,
Forever destroyed in an instant.
線索己那麼明顯 你的愛是欺騙
The clues are so obvious, your love is a deception.
我在一千零一夜 守著錯誤的簽
I, in a thousand and one nights, guarding a mistaken signature,
真相似毒刺漫延 心被扎得出血
The truth spreads like a poisonous thorn, my heart pricked till it bleeds.
痛與愛難分難解 因為我已經為你
Pain and love are inseparable, because I have already, for you,
Forgotten myself.
在塞納河上的玫瑰 它的養份是我的淚
The rose on the Seine, its nourishment is my tears,
花瓣的顏色愈妖艷 我卻愈憔悴
The more enchanting the color of the petals, the more haggard I become.
它緩緩落下的露水 從來沒人在意
The dew that slowly falls from it, no one ever cares,
Which drop is my tear.
Love will make me hurt,
But I don't understand hate.
在塞納河上的玫瑰 它的養份是我的淚
The rose on the Seine, its nourishment is my tears,
原來在最美的時刻 要讓它心碎
It turns out that at the most beautiful moment, I have to let it break,
Finally letting all the remaining love within me crumble,
Submerged in the Seine's water.
你對愛並不了解 愛會把你忽略
You don't understand love, love will neglect you,
遍地野生的薔薇 不如玫瑰珍貴
The wild roses all over the ground are not as precious as the rose.
承諾要灰飛煙滅 誰還能被愛紀念
Promises turn to ashes, who can still be remembered by love?
凋謝最紅的玫瑰 眼淚化作塞納河水
The reddest rose withers, tears turn into the Seine's water.

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