鄧麗欣 - 男孩子挑選哪位? - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 鄧麗欣 - 男孩子挑選哪位?

Which Boi Would You Choose?
未話過絕世絕色情人 才是合格讓我親
I've never said that only an extraordinary, beautiful lover is good enough for me to kiss
但若你動腳現橙皮紋 叫相戀怎麼發生
But if your legs have cellulite, how can we fall in love?
這個人 無辦法靠近正因塊面過份地油膩
This man, I can't get close to him because his face is too oily
很嚇人 還未愛我已覺得送死
He's so scary, before I love him, I feel like I'm going to die
If I meet him, I will definitely avoid him
緣份那麼矜貴 切勿亂禁掣
Fate is so precious, don't play with it recklessly
原諒我狠 我是普通女仔
Forgive me for being cruel, I'm just an ordinary girl
胡亂上車 一世 努力便白費
If I get on the wrong train, all my life's efforts will be in vain
流淚痛哭 看著歲月流逝
I'll cry my eyes out, watching the years go by
Fate should be forever, never replaced
無六尺高 也未許比我矮
Not six feet tall, nor shorter than me
如沒有Feel 怎著迷
If there's no feeling, how can I be infatuated?
溶掉我心 我便死得撤底
Melt my heart, and I'll die completely
未習慣遇上巨星名模 求遇著個待我好
I'm not used to meeting celebrities and supermodels, I just want to meet someone who will treat me well
但若你食相亦十分恐怖 我當然歸家趁早
But if you eat in a really scary way, of course I'll go home as soon as possible
真性情 憑耐性勘察細心注視會自動浮現
True nature, with patience, observation, and attention, it will automatically emerge
幾有型 無奈我看見你指甲邊
No matter how handsome, I can't help but see your fingernails
Why are they covered in black?
緣份那麼矜貴 切勿亂禁掣
Fate is so precious, don't play with it recklessly
原諒我狠 我是普通女仔
Forgive me for being cruel, I'm just an ordinary girl
胡亂上車 一世 努力便白費
If I get on the wrong train, all my life's efforts will be in vain
流淚痛哭 看著歲月流逝
I'll cry my eyes out, watching the years go by
Fate should be forever, never replaced
無六尺高 也未許比我矮
Not six feet tall, nor shorter than me
如沒有Feel 怎著迷
If there's no feeling, how can I be infatuated?
溶掉我心 我便死得撤底
Melt my heart, and I'll die completely
真性情 憑耐性勘察細心注視會自動浮現
True nature, with patience, observation, and attention, it will automatically emerge
幾有型 無奈我看見你指甲邊
No matter how handsome, I can't help but see your fingernails
Why are they covered in black?
緣份那麼矜貴 切勿亂禁掣
Fate is so precious, don't play with it recklessly
原諒我狠 我是普通女仔
Forgive me for being cruel, I'm just an ordinary girl
胡亂上車 一世 努力便白費
If I get on the wrong train, all my life's efforts will be in vain
流淚痛哭 看著歲月流逝
I'll cry my eyes out, watching the years go by
Fate should be forever, never replaced
無六尺高 也未許比我矮
Not six feet tall, nor shorter than me
如沒有Feel 怎著迷
If there's no feeling, how can I be infatuated?
溶掉我心 我便死得撤底
Melt my heart, and I'll die completely
如沒有Feel 怎著迷
If there's no feeling, how can I be infatuated?
明白我嗎 我是個普通女仔
Do you understand? I'm just an ordinary girl

Авторы: Chi Yan Kong, Jian Qiang Zhen

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