鄭俊弘 - 快閃 - 劇集 "黃金有罪" 主題曲 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 鄭俊弘 - 快閃 - 劇集 "黃金有罪" 主題曲

快閃 - 劇集 "黃金有罪" 主題曲
Flash - Theme song for "The Golden Guilty" TV series
從起跑線 全速衝線 誰顧及要良善
From the starting line, I'll sprint all the way, who cares about being kind?
黃金一遍 良知一片 是哪邊會更閃
Gold on one side, conscience on the other, which side will shine brighter?
被冷待過的咀臉 明白人是怎分辨
The face that's been ignored, I understand how people judge
若能獨佔 誰要站於兩邊
If I can have it all, why would I want to share?
浮華這樣有趣 名利怎麼抗拒
Vanity is so fun, how can I resist fame and fortune?
全憑鈔票一堆 就有新的愛侶
With a pile of money, I can have a new lover
與盛勢結隊 和成功一對
Teaming up with the powerful, I'll be a success
I'm going to create something great
誰來判斷錯對 誰又找到證據
Who can judge right or wrong? Who has the evidence?
無能操縱興衰 便葬身於人堆
Those who can't control their own fate, they'll end up buried in the crowd
不需要畏懼 不要有顧慮
No need to fear, no need to worry
It's a sin to have no ambition
從起跑線 唯一出線 誰寄望肩並肩
From the starting line, I'm the only one who will make it, who expects me to run shoulder to shoulder?
黃金一遍 時機一見 就會一秒快閃
Gold on one side, timing on the other, I'll flash away in a second
被挫敗過的苦戰 全是明日的經驗
The setbacks I've faced, they're all just experience for tomorrow
拔除淚腺 迎向目標領先
I'll pull out my tear ducts and focus on winning
浮華這樣有趣 名利怎麼抗拒
Vanity is so fun, how can I resist fame and fortune?
全憑鈔票一堆 就有新的愛侶
With a pile of money, I can have a new lover
與盛勢結隊 和成功一對
Teaming up with the powerful, I'll be a success
I'm going to create something great
誰來判斷錯對 誰又找到證據
Who can judge right or wrong? Who has the evidence?
無能操縱興衰 便葬身於人堆
Those who can't control their own fate, they'll end up buried in the crowd
不需要畏懼 不要有顧慮
No need to fear, no need to worry
It's a sin to have no ambition
前進下去 有甚麼不對
Moving forward, what's wrong with that?
我有辦法 繼續進取
I have a way, I'll keep moving forward
I'll chase my dreams anytime, anywhere
浮華這樣有趣 名利怎麼抗拒
Vanity is so fun, how can I resist fame and fortune?
完全不會心虚 未怕天崩行雷
I won't feel guilty at all, I'm not afraid of the thunder and lightning
與盛勢結隊 和成功一對
Teaming up with the powerful, I'll be a success
I'll write the rules
誰來判斷錯對 誰又找到證據
Who can judge right or wrong? Who has the evidence?
無能操縱興衰 便葬身於人堆
Those who can't control their own fate, they'll end up buried in the crowd
不需要畏懼 不要有顧慮
No need to fear, no need to worry
It's a sin to have no ambition

Авторы: Dominic Chu

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