鄭源 - 恋爱童话 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 鄭源 - 恋爱童话

Love Fairytale
最后吻你的手 是在你我熟悉的街头
I kissed you for the last time in our familiar street
秋风掠过 忧伤弄上心头
Autumn wind blew, sadness overwhelmed me
Nothing could be more painful than hearing you say I don't have to be sad
坚强是给你最好的礼物 忍住眼泪想说
Strength is the best gift I can give you, I held back my tears and wanted to say
声音却以颤抖 真的很想把你挽留
But my voice was already trembling, I really wanted to keep you
为什么 你要离开我 是不是我又做错了什么
Why are you leaving me? Did I do something wrong again?
我们在一起经历了那么多 难道你已不爱我
We've been through so much together, do you not love me anymore?
心好痛 你要离开我 是不是我付出的不够多
My heart aches, you're leaving me, did I not give enough?
曾经爱的那么真 都付出所有
I loved you so much, I gave my all
到最后还是我一个 我没有把握
In the end, I'm still alone, I'm not sure
你说我不必难过 坚强是给你最好的礼物
You said I don't have to be sad, strength is the best gift I can give you
忍住眼泪想说 声音却已颤抖 真的很想把你挽留
I held back my tears and wanted to say, but my voice was already trembling, I really wanted to keep you
为什么 你要离开我 是不是我又做错了什么
Why are you leaving me? Did I do something wrong again?
我们在一起 经历了那么多 难道你已不爱我
We've been through so much together, do you not love me anymore?
心好痛 你要离开我 是不是我付出的不够多
My heart aches, you're leaving me, did I not give enough?
曾经爱的那么真 都付出所有
I loved you so much, I gave my all
到最后还只是我一个 我没有把握
In the end, I'm still alone, I'm not sure
你说过你曾属于我 现在你却对我说 我们没有结果
You said you once belonged to me, but now you tell me we have no future.
幸福来得太快 来不及琢磨 原来那只是一场梦
Happiness came too quickly and left too soon, it turns out it was all just a dream.
为什么 你要离开我 是不是我又做错了什么
Why are you leaving me? Did I do something wrong again?
我们在一起经历了那么多 难道你已不爱我
We've been through so much together, do you not love me anymore?
没有我 你会不会说 其实你还一直深爱着我
Without me, will you say that you actually still love me deep down?
原来所谓的爱情 是这样脆弱
So-called love is so fragile
现在只好安慰自己说 别太过执着
Now I can only tell myself not to be too stubborn
现在 学会了放手 默默接受你做出的决定
Now I've learned to let go and silently accept your decision
因为我相信 没有你的愿意 我会埋葬这个结局
Because I believe that without your consent, I will bury this ending
Missing you

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