鄭秀文 - 薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與茱麗葉 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 鄭秀文 - 薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與茱麗葉

Romeo and Juliet of Sarajevo
是對青春小情人 眼睛多麼閃又亮
Romeo and Juliet were young and in love, their eyes sparkled like the stars above
像晴天留住夏天 每度艷陽 笑也笑得善良
Like a sunny summer day, their love was bright and pure, their laughter filled the air
男士是個高高青年人 女的嬌小比月亮
Romeo was tall and handsome, Juliet was petite and fair
二人都承諾在生 每日共行 縱有戰火漫長
They vowed to be together forever, through war and peace, they would share
縱各有信仰 混亂大地上 戰鬥要把各樣民族劃開
Though they came from different faiths, in a world torn apart by strife
他跟她始終 從沒更改立場
Their love for each other never wavered, they would fight for what was right
永遠共勇敢的理想 唱這歌
Together they would sing this song, of hope and courage strong
戀情懷做依靠 沿途甜或酸 仍然互相緊靠
Their love was their guiding light, through good times and through bad
戀從無要分宗教 無民族爭拗
No matter what, they would always have each other, their bond was strong and true
常寧願一生 至死都與你戀
They wished to spend their lives together, forever in love's embrace
情懷做依靠 沿途甜或酸 仍互相緊靠
Their love was their guiding light, through good times and through bad
戀從無要分宗教 從無懼槍炮
No matter what, they would always have each other, no fear of guns or mace
常寧願一生 至死都與你戀
They wished to spend their lives together, forever in love's embrace
但戰火封鎖危城 也蓋掩星星月亮
But war came to their city, like a dark and stormy night
沒陽光唯共互牽 拼命地逃 盼再見到艷陽
The sun was gone, they could only cling to each other, hoping to escape the fight
無奈在戰火中小情人 中槍雙雙倒地上
Tragically, in the midst of the chaos, they were both shot down
逝前她仍是讓他躺在懷 挽臂去找艷陽
As Juliet lay dying, she held Romeo close, their love would never be broken
縱各有信仰 混亂大地上 戰鬥要把各樣民族劃開
Though they came from different faiths, in a world torn apart by strife
他跟她始終 從沒更改立場
Their love for each other never wavered, they would fight for what was right
永遠共勇敢的理想 唱這歌
Together they would sing this song, of hope and courage strong
戀情懷做依靠 沿途甜或酸 仍然互相緊靠
Their love was their guiding light, through good times and through bad
戀從無要分宗教 無民族爭拗
No matter what, they would always have each other, their bond was strong and true
常寧願一生 至死都與你戀
They wished to spend their lives together, forever in love's embrace
情懷做依靠 沿途甜或酸 仍互相緊靠
Their love was their guiding light, through good times and through bad
戀從無要分宗教 從無懼槍炮
No matter what, they would always have each other, no fear of guns or mace
常寧願一生 至死都與你戀
They wished to spend their lives together, forever in love's embrace
是對青春好情人 某天相依倒地上 共離開
Romeo and Juliet, young lovers forever entwined, their love would never die
塵俗萬千荒謬立場 我像聽見風 再哼出這首歌
Their story, a testament to love's power, echoes through time, like a gentle sigh
戀情懷做依靠 沿途甜或酸 仍然互相緊靠
Their love was their guiding light, through good times and through bad
戀從無要分宗教 無民族爭拗
No matter what, they would always have each other, their bond was strong and true
常寧願一生 至死都與你戀
They wished to spend their lives together, forever in love's embrace
情懷做依靠 沿途甜或酸 仍互相緊靠
Their love was their guiding light, through good times and through bad
戀從無要分宗教 從無懼槍炮
No matter what, they would always have each other, no fear of guns or mace
常寧願一生 至死都與你戀
They wished to spend their lives together, forever in love's embrace
情懷做依靠 沿途甜或酸 仍互相緊靠
Their love was their guiding light, through good times and through bad
戀從無要分宗教 從無懼槍炮
No matter what, they would always have each other, no fear of guns or mace
常寧願一生 至死都與你戀
They wished to spend their lives together, forever in love's embrace

Авторы: 中島美雪

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