鄺美雲 - 堆積情感 - перевод текста песни на французский

Текст и перевод песни 鄺美雲 - 堆積情感

Accumulation of Feelings
沒法抗拒濃情蜜意 始終思念你
I can't resist the sweetness of our love, I always think of you
堆積起每分的愛意 呀...
Accumulating every bit of love, ah...
情像細雨沒法自持 好想給你知
Love is like a fine rain, I can't control myself, I want you to know
Tenderness always wants to run wild in my heart
願對你說聲濃情莫變 痴心可奉獻
I want to tell you, my love will never change, my devotion I can offer
堆積起每分的愛意 呀...
Accumulating every bit of love, ah...
誰料愛意沒法續延 傷心的每天
Who knew that love couldn't continue, every day is sad
Long nights, crying a hundred times to the rain
柔情地去愛 堆積至將來
Tenderly I love, accumulating until the future
But I can't deepen each bit of love
柔情地去愛 夜對星發呆
Tenderly I love, staring at the stars at night
Tears in the corners of my eyes, always carrying love
沒法抗拒濃情蜜意 始終思念你
I can't resist the sweetness of our love, I always think of you
堆積起每分的愛意 呀...
Accumulating every bit of love, ah...
情像四季沒有盡頭 只管跟你走
Love is like the seasons, it has no end, I just want to go with you
Please understand the variations in my devotion
柔情地去愛 堆積至將來
Tenderly I love, accumulating until the future
But I can't deepen each bit of love
柔情地去愛 夜對星發呆
Tenderly I love, staring at the stars at night
Tears in the corners of my eyes, always carrying love
柔情地去愛 堆積至將來
Tenderly I love, accumulating until the future
But I can't deepen each bit of love
柔情地去愛 夜對星發呆
Tenderly I love, staring at the stars at night
Tears in the corners of my eyes, always carrying love
Tears in the corners of my eyes, always carrying love
柔情地去愛 夜對星發呆
Tenderly I love, staring at the stars at night
柔情地去愛 堆積至將來
Tenderly I love, accumulating until the future
柔情地去愛 夜對星發呆
Tenderly I love, staring at the stars at night
柔情地去愛 堆積至將來
Tenderly I love, accumulating until the future

Авторы: Mei-wei Chen, Da-jun Huang

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