金池 - 我就在你面前 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 金池 - 我就在你面前

I'm Right in Front of You
Time keeps moving forward without a care
The earth revolves around the sun
Who will see me in this vast sea of people?
I cannot bear to see the flowers wither
I didn't have time to say goodbye to you
If possible, I would never let go
這一秒鐘 我存在著
At this very moment, I exist
不要回頭 那不是真的
Don't look back. That's not real.
我不是誰 別將我分門別類
I am not anyone else. Don't categorize me.
我不像誰 遠離所有似是而非
I am not like anyone else. I stay away from all pretenders.
我不為誰 去跟自己作對
I am not living for anyone else. I won't go against myself.
Loneliness still deafens me
My wounds are still waiting to heal
I accept this beautiful cruelty
Happiness still brings tears to my eyes
I can still love and hate freely
Before I disappear, I dare to face myself
這一秒鐘 我存在著
At this very moment, I exist
不要回頭 那不是真的
Don't look back. That's not real.
我不是誰 別將我分門別類
I am not anyone else. Don't categorize me.
我不像誰 遠離所有似是而非
I am not like anyone else. I stay away from all pretenders.
我不為誰 去跟自己作對
I am not living for anyone else. I won't go against myself.
狂喜 狂悲
Ecstasy, agony
誰錯 誰對
Who's wrong, who's right?
原諒 今天
Forgive me, today
I will be a little selfish
我要為我多愛一點 HEY
I want to love a little more for myself, HEY
我不是誰 別將我分門別類
I am not anyone else. Don't categorize me.
我不像誰 遠離所有似是而非
I am not like anyone else. I stay away from all pretenders.
我不為誰 去跟自己作對
I am not living for anyone else. I won't go against myself.
我不是誰 不在乎所有錯覺
I am not anyone else. I don't care about all the illusions
我不像誰 不怕最後只是誤會
I am not like anyone else. I'm not afraid if it all ends up being a misunderstanding
我不為誰 去做任何辯解
I am not making any excuses for anyone
I'm right in front of you
I'm right in front of you

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