鈴村健一 - つながり - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 鈴村健一 - つながり

薄明かりが照らす 夜更けの部屋でただ一人
In the twilight that illuminates the room late at night, I'm all alone
誰がやっても同じ仕事 黙々と眠い目こすりこなす
Doing the same work as everyone else, silently rubbing my sleepy eyes
遠い街の光 誰かが灯してる光
The lights of a distant city, someone is lighting them
I wonder what they're doing?
笑って 怒って 泣いて そっと祈ってる
Laughing, getting angry, crying, and praying softly
無意味に見える この日々だって
Even these days that seem meaningless
I believe will someday shine
“What is the meaning of living?”
その謎に振り回され 僕らはもがいてる
We wrestle with these riddles and suffer
でもずっとあきらめはせず 目の前の小さな出来ること紡いでく
But we never give up; we keep doing the little things we can do right in front of us
Because we believe that it will somehow connect to the happiness of someone we don't even know
We believe in this
ふと見上げた空に 白い飛行機雲 伸びて
Suddenly looking up at the sky, a white contrail stretches out
どんな国へ向かうのかな ぼんやりといつもの電車で見てた
I wonder what country it's headed to, I thought to myself as I watched from my usual train
なぜだろう突然 僕の心にうずく
Why, all of a sudden, does my heart ache?
例えようもない痛み 人混みの中でも孤独で
An indescribable pain, even in a crowd, I'm lonely
広がる世界 ちっぽけな僕
The world is so big, and I'm so small
I just want someone to notice me
To prove that “I'm alive,” I
Keep getting caught up in things I can see
名も知らぬ人の想い ここに暮らす人々の夢につながっていく
The thoughts of people I don't know, and the dreams of people living here, become connected
その一人が僕であれば それを誇りに生きていけばいいさ
If I can be one of them, I can live proudly with that
ひっそりと でも強く
Quietly, but strongly
“What is the meaning of living?”
その謎に振り回され 僕らはもがいてる
We wrestle with these riddles and suffer
でもずっとあきらめはせず 目の前の小さな出来ること紡いでく
But we never give up; we keep doing the little things we can do right in front of us
世界中の幸せへと 届くように
So that we can reach happiness all over the world
僕らは今日もつながってる 哀しみも 喜びも
Today, we are all connected; our sorrows and our joys
We're all connected
もし疲れてしまっても いつか出会う誰かが誰かを支えてる
Even if you get tired, someday someone you meet will support someone else
If you think about it this way, you won't feel lonely
雨の日 風の日も 自分らしくいればいいんだよ
No matter the weather, you can still be yourself
That's enough

Авторы: 鈴村 健一, 倉内 達矢, 鈴村 健一, 倉内 達矢

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