鍾舒漫 - 愛味 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 鍾舒漫 - 愛味

The Taste
The beat of taste
The character of taste
Taste should be emitted
男仕是哪味道 仍然是个问号
What is the taste of a gentleman? It's still a question mark
谁人用芥辣造 谁人令我倾慕
Who made it with mustard? Who made me admire it?
寻求独有味道 缘份自会渐露
Seeking a unique taste, fate will gradually reveal itself
甜到甘 辣到酸 随时令我乱
Sweet to sweet, spicy to sour, always messing me up
若咖啡撞沙嗲 同样合我愿
If coffee meets satay, I'm equally happy
Pure as lactic acid, all releasing fragrance
The supply is endless
情人别顾忌 来盛放香味
Lover, don't hesitate to spread the fragrance
The intense aroma of coffee and cigarettes
Plain as water, you should still savor it
What you see and hear is beautiful, but nothing is more beautiful than taste
Exploring the sweaty smell with you is so refreshing
The evidence of love is all寄托ed in his smell
男仕是哪味道 仍然是个问号
What is the taste of a gentleman? It's still a question mark
谁人用芥辣造 谁人令我倾慕
Who made it with mustard? Who made me admire it?
寻求独有味道 缘份自会渐露
Seeking a unique taste, fate will gradually reveal itself
若怕今夜与他 依偎得短
If I'm afraid that tonight with him, we'll be short-lived
缠绵变酸 剩下味道未厌倦
The lingering becomes sour, leaving me with a taste that never tires
Add a little garlic to stimulate the taste buds from that end
Charming disorder
情人别顾忌 来盛放香味
Lover, don't hesitate to spread the fragrance
The intense aroma of coffee and cigarettes
What you see and hear is beautiful, but nothing is more beautiful than taste
The evidence of love is all寄托ed in his smell
男仕是哪味道 仍然是个问号
What is the taste of a gentleman? It's still a question mark
谁人用芥辣造 谁人令我倾慕
Who made it with mustard? Who made me admire it?
寻求独有味道 缘份自会渐露
Seeking a unique taste, fate will gradually reveal itself
RAP: 爱未 爱未 你追求紧乜
RAP: Love, love, what are you chasing?
野睇 睇野 唔用眼睇野
Look, look, don't use your eyes to look
听既 听既 有时音会咩
Listen, listen, sometimes sound is nothing
摸既 摸既 有直有斜
Touch, touch, some are straight, some are crooked
只有味 道唔变唔理日定夜
Only taste, day or night
爱得未 你仲等乜野
Love, what else are you waiting for?
爱未 爱未 你仲等乜野
Love, love, what else are you waiting for?
男仕是哪味道 仍然是个问号
What is the taste of a gentleman? It's still a question mark
谁人用芥辣造 谁人令我倾慕
Who made it with mustard? Who made me admire it?
寻求独有味道 缘份自会渐露
Seeking a unique taste, fate will gradually reveal itself

鍾舒漫 - 乖女仔
дата релиза

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