閻奕格 - Hello & Goodbye - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 閻奕格 - Hello & Goodbye

Hello & Goodbye
Hello & Goodbye
Hey 時間 若倒回 遺憾可否少一些
Hey my dearest, if we could turn back time, do you think we'd have fewer regrets?
結局改寫 只留下 那些甜
If we could rewrite the ending, would we only remember the good things?
無意間看到舊照片 去那年常去的店
I stumbled across an old photo today, and it took me back to that place we used to go all the time.
發現我原來 沒有改變
I realized that I haven't changed that much at all.
那微酸的點點滴滴 會一再地放映
All those bittersweet memories keep coming back to me like a broken record.
原來它深埋 在心底
I guess they've been buried deep down inside me all this time.
Hello 明天快來 和昨天眼淚 Goodbye
Hello, tomorrow, please come quickly, and let's say goodbye to yesterday's tears.
讓此刻像個小孩 暢遊天空的藍
Let's pretend we're children again, running carefree through the open skies.
Hello 明天快來 等待下次還能用盡力氣去愛
Hello, tomorrow, please come quickly, so I can wait for the next time I can love with all my heart.
閉上雙眼 慢慢旋轉 淡淡微笑說Hello & Goodbye
I'll close my eyes and spin around slowly, saying hello and goodbye with a gentle smile.
人生若有 暫停鍵 傷痛可否少一些
If we had a pause button for life, do you think we'd experience less pain?
規則改變 跳脫出 那⿊夜
If we could change the rules, could we escape from the darkness?
走出世界拍新照片 隨意嘗鮮新的店
I'm going to step back into the world and take new photos, and I'll try new things as I wander around.
發現我原來 可以改變
I'm realizing that I can change and grow.
那閃光的點點滴滴 別一再地沈溺
Instead of dwelling on the past, I'm going to let go of those little moments that used to hurt so much.
其實它不留 也可以
Because I know that I can move on without them.
Hello 明天快來 和昨天眼淚 Goodbye
Hello, tomorrow, please come quickly, and let's say goodbye to yesterday's tears.
讓此刻像片大海 擁抱波濤不安
Let's pretend we're floating in a vast ocean, surrounded by wild and unpredictable waves.
Hello 明天快來 等待下次還能用盡力氣呼喊
Hello, tomorrow, please come quickly, so I can wait for the next time I can shout with all my might.
跟隨節拍 輕輕搖擺 可以閉上眼想像
Let me sway gently to the rhythm, and close my eyes and imagine.
海浪沖⾛沙灘上的腳印 彷彿把種種 曲折一切撫平
The waves wash away my footprints in the sand, smoothing out all the twists and turns of my journey.
微風吹散糾結的䈬公英 隨風把片片 傷心化整為零
A gentle breeze scatters the tangled dandelions, and carries away my sorrows on its wings.
天空輕撫沒翅膀的風箏 讓它一層層 突破困局飛行
The sky lifts up the kite that has no wings, allowing it to fly higher and higher, breaking through its limitations.
All of your life comes to me with ease joy & glory
All of your life comes to me with ease joy & glory
Hello 明天快來 和昨天眼淚 Goodbye
Hello, tomorrow, please come quickly, and let's say goodbye to yesterday's tears.
讓此刻像個小孩 暢遊天空的藍
Let's pretend we're children again, running carefree through the open skies.
Hello 明天快來 等待下次還能用盡力氣去愛
Hello, tomorrow, please come quickly, so I can wait for the next time I can love with all my heart.
閉上雙眼 慢慢旋轉 淡淡微笑說Hello & Goodbye
I'll close my eyes and spin around slowly, saying hello and goodbye with a gentle smile.

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