關喆 - 更好的我們 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 關喆 - 更好的我們

A Better Us
最初幼稚的我們 世界只有兩個人 以為捉住一個吻 就叫永恆
Initially, we were naive. Our world consisted of only two people. We thought that if we could just catch a kiss, that would be called eternity.
年輕任性的我們 單純還不懂責任 當愛長出了裂痕 沒有倖存
When we were young and willful, we were innocent and didn't understand responsibility. When love developed a crack, it could not survive.
歲月像刀鋒一樣那麼狠 誰能在原地一直等
Time is as merciless as the blade of a knife. Who can stand still and wait forever?
不再倔強 成熟的我們 學會了對過去感恩
We are not as stubborn as we used to be. Now that we are mature, we have learned to appreciate the past.
後來的我們 各奔前程 帶著彼此余溫 再轉交給別人
后来, we went our separate ways, each taking with us some of the warmth from our time together. We would then share this with other people.
但錯過了的青春 那個人 還藏在心門
But the youth that we missed out on, that person, is still hidden away in our hearts.
現在更好的我們 珍藏記憶的甘醇 有過遺憾的人生才更完整
Now we are better. We cherish the sweetness of our memories and realize that a life with regrets is one that is more complete.
歲月像刀鋒一樣那麼狠 誰能在原地一直等
Time is as merciless as the blade of a knife. Who can stand still and wait forever?
不再倔強 成熟的我們 學會了對過去感恩
We are not as stubborn as we used to be. Now that we are mature, we have learned to appreciate the past.
後來的我們 各奔前程 帶著彼此余溫 再轉交給別人
后来, we went our separate ways, each taking with us some of the warmth from our time together. We would then share this with other people.
但錯過了的青春 那個人 還藏在心門
But the youth that we missed out on, that person, is still hidden away in our hearts.
現在更好的我們 珍藏記憶的甘醇 有過遺憾的人生才更完整
Now we are better. We cherish the sweetness of our memories and realize that a life with regrets is one that is more complete.

Авторы: Xu Zi Xuan

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