陳偉霆 - 大峽谷 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳偉霆 - 大峽谷

Grand Canyon
十萬呎深淵 圍著你哀怨
Three hundred meters canyon surrounds your grief
若然繩纜折斷 抑鬱症會否了斷
In case the rope breaks, will depression end it
Being loved eventually becomes a breakup
無從被計算 回程航線任你選
Unavailable to be calculated, return route for you to choose
(極為悶煩滯留在原地轉) 要抉擇果斷
(Extremely annoying stuck on the spot,) To make decisions resolutely
(Extremely free traveling further and further)
為何失聲痛哭 如何哭崩峽谷
Why did you cry out loud, how can you cry and collapse the canyon
戀愛無可後退 無緣成情侶
Love has no retreat, no opportunity to be lovers
風光也歷劫不衰 懸崖都不怕追
The scenery is also weathered and never decays, cliffs are not afraid of chasing
為何還要恐懼 情人遺留行李多不過旅程單據
Why are you still afraid, your lover's luggage is nothing more than a travel receipt
(為何還要恐懼 情人成為名勝得不到寄存心裡)
(Why are you still afraid, your lover has become an attraction but cannot be kept in your heart)
記住 他的眼睛 記住 他多麼帥
Remember, his eyes, remember how handsome he was
磨蝕你是誰忘記是誰 何來再去怨懟
Wearing out who you are to forget who they are, why complain again
記住 他的細心 記住 他的風趣
Remember, his care, remember his humor
而名勝屬誰行李屬誰 寄存心裡
And whose famous place’s luggage, store it in your heart
在萬呎高空 難辨你幽怨
At the thousands of meters, it's hard to tell your grievance
情人像細軟 那到你帶走永遠
Your lover is like personal items that you take with you forever
Every love’s outcome is difficult to choose
年齡尚太細 人何妨再走一圈
You are still too young, why not go around again
(極為悶煩滯留在原地轉) 要抉擇果斷
(Extremely annoying stuck on the spot,) To make decisions resolutely
(Extremely free traveling further and further)
為何失聲痛哭 如何哭崩峽谷
Why did you cry out loud, how can you cry and collapse the canyon
戀愛長此下去 仍無憑無據
Love will continue like this, still unfounded
追不到你至想追 餘情拋出峽谷
Cannot pursue you but still want to pursue, leftover feelings throw into the canyon
做人懷愐很累 沿途仍然還有很多處理想之居
It's tiring to be ambiguous, there are still many ideal places to live along the way
墮落在那深谷裡 愛也許安葬心裡
Fall into that abyss, love may be buried in my heart
當眼淚流成雨帶 總有日如止水
When tears turn into a rain belt, one day it will stop
為何失聲痛哭 如何哭崩峽谷
Why did you cry out loud, how can you cry and collapse the canyon
戀愛無可後退 無緣成情侶
Love has no retreat, no opportunity to be lovers
風光也歷劫不衰 懸崖都不怕追
The scenery is also weathered and never decays, cliffs are not afraid of chasing
為何還要恐懼 情人遺留行李多不過旅程單據
Why are you still afraid, your lover's luggage is nothing more than a travel receipt
(為何還要恐懼 情人成為名勝得不到寄存心裡)
(Why are you still afraid, your lover has become an attraction but cannot be kept in your heart)

Авторы: Ruo Ning Lin, Kenix Cheang

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