陳冠希 & MC HotDog - King Boomba's Crew (Boogie C-Mix) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳冠希 & MC HotDog - King Boomba's Crew (Boogie C-Mix)

King Boomba's Crew (Boogie C-Mix)
King Boomba's Crew (Boogie C-Mix)
I jump up and down
Sometimes I get smaller sometimes I get Bigger Mario can also jump over the wall
只能咬牙着说 我们不能害怕
Can only grit our teeth and say We can't be afraid
就一直往前走 坏东西全部来吧
Just keep going forward Let all the bad things come
所处的地方 都是魔菇
The place I am is full of mushrooms
这里不是上海 是真的魔都
This is not Shanghai It is the real magic capital
咬牙硬撑着 hold 要稳住
Gritting my teeth hold steady
天空变成深色 我口渴 低温度
The sky turns dark I am thirsty Low temperature
Isn't this game supposed to be for kids
Why are there turtles and piranha plants everywhere
有点挣扎 有绿色 红色
A little bit of struggle There is green red
在飞的 不规则 在地上爬
In the air Irregular on the ground crawling
他们要干嘛 他们劝我们赶快回家
What are they going to do They are telling us to go home quickly
但没有救出公主前 我们要去谁家
But before we rescue the princess Whose home do we go to
Yo shorty 我们可是玛莉欧兄弟
Yo shorty We are the Mario brothers
It's time to party show me
It's time to party show me
道高一尺 魔高一丈
Dao gao yi chi mo gao yi zhang
就你们两个喔 那就一起上
Just you two Then come together
欢迎来到地狱 你紧不紧张
Welcome to hell Are you nervous
I'll send you two back to Nintendo
我比你强 比你高 比你壮
I am stronger than you taller than you stronger than you
比你man 比你gang 比你crunk
Manlier than you gangster than you crunkier than you
两个old school的man 在装young gun
Two old school men pretending to be young guns
放弃吧 哈哈
Give up haha
你站在角落和边缘 要小心一点
You are standing in the corner and on the edge Be careful
Eye contact could be your last
这平台会掉落 失去重心前
This platform will fall Before you lose your balance
你以为你安全 别相信你的感觉
You think you are safe Don't trust your feelings
在海里面游泳 还舒服
Swimming in the sea Still comfortable
Except for those poisonous pufferfish and jellyfish
用蛙式开路 让它们看呆住
Use frog style to open the way Let them be stunned
你别太臭屁 这里不是马尔地夫
Don't be too proud This is not the Maldives
他们是谁 乌龟怎么会站着
Who are they Turtles can stand
忍者龟带着钢盔 该怎么办呢
Ninja turtles with steel helmets What should I do
What are they throwing at us
他们引起的骚动 像万圣节的魔鬼
The commotion they cause Like the devil of Halloween
Please stop breathing for now
路易 停看听 别打喷嚏
Luigi stop look listen Don't sneeze
注意 follow me
Be careful follow me
就是现在 快跑过去
It's now Run over there quickly
We are going to the next party
道高一尺 魔高一丈
Dao gao yi chi mo gao yi zhang
就你们两个喔 那就一起上
Just you two Then come together
欢迎来到地狱 你紧不紧张
Welcome to hell Are you nervous
I'll send you two back to Nintendo
我比你强 比你高 比你壮
I am stronger than you taller than you stronger than you
比你man 比你gang 比你crunk
Manlier than you gangster than you crunkier than you
两个old school的man 在装young gun
Two old school men pretending to be young guns
放弃吧 哈哈
Give up haha
I miss the good old days
I miss the good old days
却错过了google map
But I missed the google map
Already lost but it doesn't matter
Everything in front of me is so kuso hey
一切都是假象 是我的想像
Everything is an illusion It is my imagination
像李奥纳多 梦的电影那样
Like Leonardo in a dream movie
一觉睡醒来 我在乌龟乡
I woke up from a dream and I was in Turtle Town
误食了毒菇 我胃溃疡
Ate poisonous mushrooms I have stomach ulcers
安慰的话 玛丽最会讲 我们绕来绕去
Mary is best at comforting words We go around and around
就像鬼档了墙 怎么会有食人的花
It's like a ghost blocking the wall How can there be man-eating flowers
玛莉兄弟掉下去 变成了人渣
The Mario brothers fell down and became scum
The castle is as strong as a nine-story pagoda
神啊 请你保佑我们呀
God please bless us
远处传来的声音 是路霸 库巴
The sound from afar is Bowser Koopa
你哭吧 你想要怎么挂
You cry How do you want to hang
道高一尺 魔高一丈
Dao gao yi chi mo gao yi zhang
就你们两个喔 那就一起上
Just you two Then come together
欢迎来到地狱 你紧不紧张
Welcome to hell Are you nervous
I'll send you two back to Nintendo
我比你强 比你高 比你壮
I am stronger than you taller than you stronger than you
比你man 比你gang 比你crunk
Manlier than you gangster than you crunkier than you
两个old school的man 在装young gun
Two old school men pretending to be young guns
放弃吧 哈哈
Give up haha

Авторы: John Quoc Ho, Mc Hotdog, Edison Chen

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