陳冠希 - 战争 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳冠希 - 战争

战争(featuring HanjinvsMC vs 胡蓓蔚)
War (featuring Hanjin vs MC Yan vs Hu Bei Wei)
Fight I'm going to fight now
Fight my own war
If the real world is a battlefield
Then all phenomena are brutal illusions
If reality wants me to fight a fake war
The problem is I know when but not why to free
打住乜野旗号 打一场点样o既仗
Why do we fight under what banner
If I don't fight well, my life will end
问得唔好 我应该问生命一个乜野问号
Why can't we ask life a question mark
问我 悲哭声可以有几多几多
Ask me, how many cries are there
Ask me, with what horn does the nursery rhyme blow what kind of sad song
歌舞升平o既世界 几可听到凯旋歌曲
In a world of peace and prosperity, how can one hear a triumphant song
曲终人散o既时候 只有剩低几个几个
When the music stops and the people disperse, only a few remain
我问我 我o既战友系咪就系我一个
I ask myself, am I my only comrade in arms
我为我 o既生命战斗要我保卫我
I fight for my life to defend me
我话我 进一步退一步 我都难过
I said I'll take a step forward and a step back, I'm sad
我想我 放弃我 唔再识分对错
I want to give up on myself, I don't know right from wrong anymore
成日顾前顾后 想不透行左转右
Always looking ahead and behind, can't figure out if I should go left or right
I brought this war upon myself
想着 感着 看着 听着
Thinking, feeling, watching, listening
成日斗前斗后 想走都难自己走
Always fighting, can't escape
有伤口 有时得手 有时失手 我都要受
With wounds, sometimes winning, sometimes losing, I have to endure
成日顾前顾后 想不透行左转右
Always looking ahead and behind, can't figure out if I should go left or right
I brought this war upon myself
米高峰 check one two one
Master Mike check one two one
The one and everyone is innocent
The one and everyone is innocent
Edison MC 陈奂仁
Edison MC MC Yan
Now let's rap about war
Somewhere in the world there's a war every day
Everyone participates and everyone has an inner struggle
危险o既系战场上枪林弹雨 血肉横飞
The danger is on the battlefield, where bullets fly and blood splatters
危险o既系支咪加唇枪舌剑 口沫横飞
The danger is with the microphone, where words are sharp and spit flies
This song is a war
三个猎肉者 你同我同佢边个
Three hunters, you and I and he, who is the prey
You can choose to be a bystander
无人会钟意见到 遍地死者
No one wants to see corpses everywhere
无人会钟意做 战地记者
No one wants to be a war correspondent
I don't want to know what war crimes are
All I know is that the law here doesn't protect everyone
Engaging in an arms race
Fighting ourselves in a few battles
自己俘掳自己 自己混自己o既帐
Capturing ourselves, confusing our accounts
成日要名要利 冲冲冲从未识死
Always wanting fame and fortune, never thinking of death
再不分战场屋企 爱人知己 我想胜利
No longer separating the battlefield from home, loved ones, I want victory
行或企如战地 很想死而未敢死
Walking or standing as if on a battlefield, wanting to die but not daring to
It's me who thinks too much, who wants to be strong
成日斗前斗后 想走都难自己走
Always fighting, can't escape
有伤口 有时得手 有时失手 我都要受
With wounds, sometimes winning, sometimes losing, I have to endure
成日顾前顾后 想不透行左转右
Always looking ahead and behind, can't figure out if I should go left or right
I brought this war upon myself

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