陳奕迅 & eason and the duo band - The Album - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳奕迅 & eason and the duo band - The Album

The Album
The Album
回味那日子 回望那地方
Think back to that day and look back to that place
乘著印象依稀 想聽你講
With the impression still fresh, I want to hear you speak
團聚那盛景 臨別那淚光
Our lively reunion and our tearful farewell
全部攝入相簿 翻開細看
All captured in the photo album, I open it and take a closer look
仍是翠綠的 常做破壞的
Still as green as ever, always causing trouble
來自某異鄉的 無限笑容的
From a distant land, with a smile that never fades
平靜友善的 天生形狀怪異的
Peaceful and friendly, with an odd appearance
全部也是真的 多麼好看
All of it is true, how beautiful it is
可不可 想不想 再次見面
Can we, do you want to, meet again?
Let's take some new pictures
聽一聽 講一講 從而互勉
Listen to each other, talk to each other, and encourage each other
I don't want to care about how the world changes
成熟了面孔 猶幸更健康
Our faces have matured, but thankfully we are healthier
輪住誕下娃娃 鬆不了綁
We've each given birth to children and tied the knot
還是愛幻想的 提步往前方
We still love to dream and move forward
同在歲月中 苦苦找答案
Together in the years, searching for answers
回味那日子 回望那地方
Think back to that day and look back to that place
乘著印象依稀 想聽你講
With the impression still fresh, I want to hear you speak
團聚那盛景 臨別那淚光
Our lively reunion and our tearful farewell
全部攝入相簿 翻開細看
All captured in the photo album, I open it and take a closer look
可不可 想不想 再次見面
Can we, do you want to, meet again?
Let's take some new pictures
聽一聽 講一講 從而互勉
Listen to each other, talk to each other, and encourage each other
Let's only focus on how we've changed
愛是這樣 你認識我 只盼望每個都發亮
Love is like this, you know me, and I only hope for each of us to shine
愛是這樣 我認識你 不接受你那歡笑被劫搶
Love is like this, I know you, and I won't accept your stolen joy
愛是這樣 我目睹了 不再是純幻想
Love is like this, I've seen it, and it's no longer just a dream
回味那日子 回望那地方
Think back to that day and look back to that place
乘著印象依稀 想聽你講
With the impression still fresh, I want to hear you speak
團聚那盛景 臨別那淚光
Our lively reunion and our tearful farewell
全部攝入相簿 翻開細看
All captured in the photo album, I open it and take a closer look

Авторы: 陳奕迅

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