陳妍希 - 叔公小城的故事 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳妍希 - 叔公小城的故事

The Uncle's Little Town Story
Uncle's Little Town Story
一阵阵的菜香 洋溢在旧家客厅
Waves of vegetable fragrance fill the old family living room
填满满厨房的 是叔公忙碌身影
The kitchen is crowded with Uncle's busy figure
爱吃的烤饼皮塞一块 在我的手里
A piece of the favorite crispy flatbread is tucked into my hand
自从有记忆起 叔公和我们一起
From as far back as I can remember, Uncle has been with us
从广山到台湾 逃难到外公家里
From Kwangtung to Taiwan, escaping to my grandfather's house
是报恩是感激 全心奉献为这家庭
In gratitude and debt, giving everything to this family
是有缘是注定 一辈子相处在一起
By fate, we are meant to spend a lifetime together
没孙儿 没孙女 对我们无限宠溺
Without any grandchildren of his own, he spoils us endlessly
捡红点 荡秋千 陪伴玩无聊游戏
Throwing darts, swinging on the swing, keeping us company in boring games
对自己 节俭的 对我有求必应
For himself, thrifty, but for me, every request is granted
大手牵小手 带我一直走
Big hand holding little hand, taking me forward all the time
和蔼的笑容 温暖我小小宇宙
Gentle smiling face, warming my little world
耳边想起的 你爱哼唱的
Your humming lingers in my ears, the
儿时那首歌 陪伴 我安心入梦
Children's song from my younger days, lulling me into peaceful dreams
植物园 石城堡 我爷俩秘密基地
Botanical garden, Stone Castle, our secret grandpa and grandson base
荷花池 矮大树 带我爬去看风景
Lotus pond, short tree, taking me to climb, to see the scenery
牵著我的大手 感激溢满心底
Holding my big hand, my heart overflows with gratitude
大手牵小手 带我一直走
Big hand holding little hand, taking me forward all the time
和蔼的笑容 温暖我小小宇宙
Gentle smiling face, warming my little world
耳边想起的 你爱哼唱的
Your humming lingers in my ears, the
儿时那首歌 陪伴我安心入梦
Children's song from my younger days, lulling me into peaceful dreams
一月初 的冬天 你说要回家安息
Early January winter, you said you were going home to rest in peace
白茫茫 黑夜里 带你回广山家里
Snow-white, pitch-black night, taking you back to your Kwangtung home
临走前 那微笑 还浮现在眼底
Before you left, that smile was still clear in my eyes
小城故事多 充满喜和乐
Many stories in this little town, filled with joy and happiness
若是你到小城来 收获特别多
If you come to this little town, the harvest will be especially bountiful
大手牵小手 带我一直走
Big hand holding little hand, taking me forward all the time
和蔼的笑容 温暖我小小宇宙
Gentle smiling face, warming my little world

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