陳楚生 - 癮 - 1/7 Concert Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳楚生 - 癮 - 1/7 Concert Live

癮 - 1/7 Concert Live
Addiction - 1/7 Concert Live
我能坐下嗎 我叫陳楚生
May I sit down? My name is Chen Chusheng
我在對面的角落裡 觀察了你很久很久
I've been watching you for a long, long time in the corner opposite
來一杯伏特卡 不要太多的冰
A glass of vodka, not too much ice
不知你是否會介意 我點燃這支香煙
I wonder if you mind if I light this cigarette
They say smoking is not good for health
可是不抽的時候 我的身體更難受
But when I don't smoke, my body feels worse
I am becoming less and less certain about the purpose of quitting smoking
難道生老病死 就多了這一口
Can it be that life and death just have this one extra thing?
Just like when someone you love suddenly says goodbye
雖然心裡很難過 卻要由衷的祝福
Even though your heart is broken, you have to bless with all your heart
I am increasingly skeptical about who said that love is happiness
Anyway, my body is covered with unhealed wounds
我經常嘲笑自己 不能說到做到
I often laugh at myself for not being able to do what I say
忘不了那段甜蜜 戒不掉心中的癮
I can't forget that sweet past, I can't quit the addiction in my heart
我不知道 這樣堅持還有什麼意義
I don't know what the point is of being so persistent
我經常提醒自己 愛要不留餘力
I often remind myself to love without reservation
就算是握著真理 也要說錯的是自己
Even if you hold the truth, you have to say that you are wrong
最後知道 愛不愛不需要什麼道理
In the end, you know that love doesn't need any reason
They say smoking is not good for health
可是不抽的時候 我的身體更難受
But when I don't smoke, my body feels worse
I am becoming less and less certain about the purpose of quitting smoking
難道生老病死 就多了這一口
Can it be that life and death just have this one extra thing?
Just like when someone you love suddenly says goodbye
雖然心裡很難過 卻要由衷的祝福
Even though your heart is broken, you have to bless with all your heart
I am increasingly skeptical about who said that love is happiness
Anyway, my body is covered with unhealed wounds
我經常嘲笑自己 不能說到做到
I often laugh at myself for not being able to do what I say
忘不了那段甜蜜 戒不掉心中的癮
I can't forget that sweet past, I can't quit the addiction in my heart
我不知道 這樣堅持還有什麼意義
I don't know what the point is of being so persistent
我經常提醒自己 愛要不留餘力
I often remind myself to love without reservation
就算是握著真理 也要說錯的是自己
Even if you hold the truth, you have to say that you are wrong
最後知道 愛不愛不需要什麼道理
In the end, you know that love doesn't need any reason
我經常嘲笑自己 不能說到做到
I often laugh at myself for not being able to do what I say
忘不了那段甜蜜 戒不掉心中的癮
I can't forget that sweet past, I can't quit the addiction in my heart
我不知道 這樣堅持還有什麼意義
I don't know what the point is of being so persistent
我經常提醒自己 愛要不留餘力
I often remind myself to love without reservation
就算是握著真理 也要說錯的是自己
Even if you hold the truth, you have to say that you are wrong
最後知道 愛不愛不需要什麼道理
In the end, you know that love doesn't need any reason

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