陳楚生 - 裝睡的人 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳楚生 - 裝睡的人

The Person Who Pretends to Sleep
昨天 今天 角色一直在變
Yesterday, today, the role keeps changing
陰天 晴天 在生命中表演
Cloudy, sunny, in the performance of life
是喜是悲 沒絕對
Whether it is joy or sorrow, there is no absolute
孤獨 善變 在人之間蔓延
Lonely, volatile, among the people is spread
世界 事件 每天都在上演
The world's events are staged every day
路過的人 看不見
People passing by cannot see
你啊 推開門 就丟了靈魂
Oh, you push the door open and lose your soul
殘忍 不過一杯酒
Cruelty is just a glass of wine
Drink it, sleep and wake up and forget it
你啊 關上門 也看新聞
Oh, you've closed the door and watched the news
偶爾也會說 一些中肯的話
Occasionally you will speak some pertinent words
But the words and forgetting are equally fast
滴答 滴答 時針不停在轉
Tick-tock, tick-tock, the clock keeps turning
滴答 滴答 還在原地打轉
Tick-tock, tick-tock, still spinning in place
奮力抵抗 還是習慣
Fighting hard or habit
滴答 滴答 是誰再跳踢踏
Tick-tock, tick-tock, who is tap dancing
滴答 滴答 踏出自由步伐
Tick-tock, tick-tock, step out of the free stride
不羈的笑 多迷人
An untamed smile, how charming
你啊 繼續著 裝睡的姿態
Oh, you keep pretending to sleep
盼著 最后的驚喜
Looking forward to the final surprise
Like a child napping in kindergarten
你啊 懷疑愛 又渴望被愛
Oh, you doubt love and crave to be loved
怕受傷的心 其實從沒痊愈
The fear of being hurt is actually never healed
就這樣睡了醒著 醒了痛著
Just like this, sleeping awake, awake aching
你啊 推開門 就丟了靈魂
Oh, you push the door open and lose your soul
殘忍 不過一杯酒
Cruelty is just a glass of wine
Drink it, sleep and wake up and forget it
你啊 關上門 也看新聞
Oh, you've closed the door and watched the news
偶爾也會說 一些中肯的話
Occasionally you will speak some pertinent words
But the words and forgetting are equally fast
你啊 繼續著 裝睡的姿態
Oh, you keep pretending to sleep
盼著 最后的驚喜
Looking forward to the final surprise
Like a child napping in kindergarten
你啊 懷疑愛 又渴望被愛
Oh, you doubt love and crave to be loved
怕受傷的心 其實從沒痊愈
The fear of being hurt is actually never healed
就這樣睡了醒著 醒了痛著
Just like this, sleeping awake, awake aching

Авторы: 陳楚生

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