陳潔儀 - 入戲太深 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 陳潔儀 - 入戲太深

So Engrossed in the Play
周围灯光缓缓的亮起 梦境在逐渐成形
The surrounding lights gradually turn on, the dream gradually takes shape
身后场景分外的美丽 世界也一起失真
The scenery behind me is extraordinarily beautiful, the world becomes distorted
我正入镜 你又导又演的这场戏
I am on camera, you are both the director and actor of this play
爱情剧本百转又千回 编写伤心
The script of love takes another turn, writing sadness
你的台词 一句句扣我神魂
Your lines, each one touches my soul
恍惚中 我为你流下真的泪
In a daze, I shed real tears for you
我为你专注的表演 已耗尽力气
My dedicated performance for you has exhausted me
我竟如此入戏太深 拿捏之间失了分寸
I am so deeply involved in the play that I lose my sense of proportion
我竟如此入戏太深 梦和现实乱了界线
I am so deeply involved in the play that the dream and reality are blurred
我竟忘记原本的自己 全陷入你要的角色里
I have even forgotten my original self, completely lost in the character you want me to play
周围灯光缓缓的暗去 漆黑漫入我身躯
The surrounding lights gradually dim, darkness creeps into my body
身后场景片片的卸去 世界也跟着破碎
The backdrops fall one after another, and the world shatters with them
你早已出镜 我却留在原地 留在故事里
You have already left the stage, but I remain rooted in place, trapped in the story

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