陳潔儀 - 分不開 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳潔儀 - 分不開

Album: Lola
你说HI 我说BYE 很高兴 认识你
You said HI, I said BYE, it was nice meeting you
你转身 我回头 就这样 不分离
You turned around, I looked back, and just like that, we were inseparable
我天真 你严肃 看情况 谁处理
I'm naive, you're serious, let's see who handles this
你爱问 我神秘 就不怕 没游戏
You love to ask, I'm mysterious, aren't you afraid there's no game?
爱上了 就这样 憋著气 都是愉快
We fell in love like this, holding our breath, it's all been fun
口不乾 脚不酸 两颗心 不能分开
Our mouths aren't dry, our feet aren't sore, our two hearts can't be separated
分不开 不分开 分不开
Inseparable, inseparable, inseparable
我做梦 你实际 我爱咖啡 你喝TEA
I dream, you're practical, I love coffee, you drink TEA
我怕光 你怕黑 只好日夜在一起
I'm afraid of the light, you're afraid of the dark, so we just have to be together day and night
你说东 我说西 所以就黏在这里
You say east, I say west, so we're stuck together
你学我 我学你 看谁先 没自己
You learn from me, I learn from you, let's see who loses themselves first
爱上了 就这样 憋著气 都是愉快
We fell in love like this, holding our breath, it's all been fun
口不乾 脚不酸 两颗心 不能分开
Our mouths aren't dry, our feet aren't sore, our two hearts can't be separated
分不开 不分开 分不开
Inseparable, inseparable, inseparable
爱上了 就这样 憋著气 都是愉快
We fell in love like this, holding our breath, it's all been fun
口不乾 脚不酸 两颗心 不能分开
Our mouths aren't dry, our feet aren't sore, our two hearts can't be separated
分不开 不分开 分不开
Inseparable, inseparable, inseparable
分不开 不分开 不能分开 OH不能分开
Inseparable, inseparable, can't be separated, OH can't be separated
不能分开 不分开 不分开
Can't be separated, inseparable, inseparable
不分开 分不开 就是分不开
Inseparable, inseparable, simply can't be separated

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