陳潔儀 - 得寸進尺 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳潔儀 - 得寸進尺

Gradual Progress
得寸进尺 林创宴 潘协庆
Gradual Progress Lyrics by Lin Chuangyan, Music by Pan Xieqing
我的心默默攀爬 翻出墙围等待谁
My heart silently climbs, peeping over the wall, waiting for whom?
I've been calling but you don't respond
不小心 曾几何时 你的身影翻墙入内
Unknowingly, when did your figure scale the wall and enter?
You flit incessantly in my heart
害怕 你只是按兵不动 呆呆不解
I fear you're just biding your time, waiting, not comprehending
太体贴 太浪漫 不敢将我追
Too considerate, too romantic, not daring to pursue me
更害怕 我的脸明明白白写满感觉
I fear even more that my face plainly reveals my feelings
多想你 多多多多 多靠近一些
I long for you, over and over again, to draw closer
靠近我 有意无意 一步一步慢慢体会
Draw closer to me, intentionally or unintentionally, and feel it slowly, step by step
So that our hearts can become more resolute
再跟紧我的眼睛 一步一步慢慢沦陷
Follow my gaze closely, step by step, and slowly surrender
多两行甜蜜的眼泪 (多了两行牵挂的喜悦)
Tears of sweetness well up (two extra lines of joyous longing)
对我 你可要老老实实 谈心说爱
With me, you must be honest, talk from the heart and profess your love
说今生不放手 不怕风雨雪
Say you won't let go of this life, come rain or snow
拥抱我 融化我 冷冷冷冷寂寞瓦解
Embrace me, melt me, and dissolve the icy cold solitude
一步步 忙忙忙忙 才不会後悔
Step by step, faster and faster, only then will we have no regrets
一步步 得寸进尺 爱我多些
Step by step, make gradual progress, love me a little more
我的心 已翻出墙围 等你追
My heart has already climbed over the wall, waiting for you to pursue me
不在乎 我的脸明明白白写满感觉
I don't care that my face plainly reveals my feelings
勾引你 日日夜夜温柔的侵略
I'll entice you, day and night, with gentle advances
靠近我 有意无意 一步一步慢慢体会
Draw closer to me, intentionally or unintentionally, and feel it slowly, step by step
So that our hearts can become more resolute
再跟紧我的眼睛 一步一步慢慢沦陷
Follow my gaze closely, step by step, and slowly surrender
Two extra lines of joyous longing

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