陳潔儀 - 捉迷藏 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳潔儀 - 捉迷藏

Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
梦与想 来又往 悄悄看眼中蕴藏
Dreams and desires come and go, quietly watching the eyes hidden with expectations
谁会意 碰上但发展不上 要说句再会也很平常
Who will understand, meeting but not developing, it's very common to say goodbye
又遐想 又寻访 继续日夜在爱恋圈里忙
Imagining and searching again, continuing day and night to be busy in the circle of love
就像是吧 谁知心却两样 一转身竟会
It's like how, who knows that our hearts are different, turning around and suddenly
Realizing that I'm really in love with you
*寻觅在那方 情人在这方 原来就像捉迷藏
*Searching in that direction, Lover in this direction, It turns out to be like hide and seek
一般境况 真好比一双眼 睁开了那样
The general situation is just like a pair of eyes, opened like that
Looking into each other's eyes*
#情来自远方 缘来没法挡 从前就像捉迷藏 身边高唱
#Love comes from afar, fate cannot be blocked, before it was like hide and seek, singing beside you
今天歌声之中一同来回望 捉到的感觉
Today in the song, let's look back together, the feeling of being caught
Make my heart bloom with you#
在那天 曾遇上 却似隔开一块墙
That day, I met you, but it seemed like a wall was separating us
沉默里 你我或己经感到 却叫这盼望暗中埋藏
In silence, you and I may have already felt it, but let this hope be secretly buried
又寻访 又回想 似是命运没有编演这场
Searching and thinking back again, it seems that fate did not stage this
浮浮沉沉 谁知竟会这样
Ups and downs, who would have thought it would be like this
一转身相见 你我一起找到真相
Turning around to meet you, you and I find the truth together
*寻觅在那方 情人在这方 原来就像捉迷藏
*Searching in that direction, Lover in this direction, It turns out to be like hide and seek
一般境况 真好比一双眼 睁开了那样
The general situation is just like a pair of eyes, opened like that
Looking into each other's eyes*
#情来自远方 缘来没法挡 从前就像捉迷藏 身边高唱
#Love comes from afar, fate cannot be blocked, before it was like hide and seek, singing beside you
今天歌声之中一同来回望 捉到的感觉
Today in the song, let's look back together, the feeling of being caught
Make my heart bloom with you#
真好比一双眼 睁开了那样 历历在目相凝望
Just like a pair of eyes, opened like that, looking into each other's eyes
#情来自远方 缘来没法挡 从前就像捉迷藏 身边高唱
#Love comes from afar, fate cannot be blocked, before it was like hide and seek, singing beside you
今天歌声之中一同来回望 捉到的感觉
Today in the song, let's look back together, the feeling of being caught
Make my heart bloom with you#

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