陳筱安 feat. 尹露霏 & 褚浩宇 - 初星 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳筱安 feat. 尹露霏 & 褚浩宇 - 初星

First Star
懷念目光 穿過綠窗 到你身旁
Nostalgic gaze, through the green window, to your side,
青春的最後一行 與你共享 有點惆悵
The last line of our youth, shared with you, a bit of melancholy,
熙熙攘攘 已成過往 流星一晃 消逝時光
The hustle and bustle of the past fades away, a meteor trails by, time vanishes,
怎麼收藏 變成力量 繼續闖蕩
How to collect it, turn it into strength, and continue to forge ahead?
回首遙望 彼此炙熱臉龐
Looking back at the memories, our faces radiant with passion,
閃爍的模樣 依然記在心上
The shining images still etched in our hearts,
舞台上發光 實驗室裡揮灑
Shining on stage, working hard in the lab,
Wishing to light up the world like the stars, and making a wish to myself,
從不曾遺忘 初衷的滾燙 伴著勇氣茁壯
Never forgetting, the passion of our初心, growing with courage,
曾經受的傷 是為了成長 等待有一天能 翱翔
The wounds we once suffered, were for growth, waiting for the day we could soar,
熱血滿腔 寫入紅磚牆 留下希望
Passion fills our hearts, written on the red brick walls, leaving behind hope,
未來的路很寬敞 你卻無法 在我身旁
The road ahead is broad, yet you're not by my side,
跌跌撞撞 已成過往 前方夢想 由我照亮
The ups and downs are in the past, the dreams ahead are mine to illuminate,
即使迷惘 也不害怕 錯了方向
Even when lost, I'm not afraid, of taking the wrong direction,
蹈火赴湯 就算有過失望
Through fire and water, even if there have been disappointments,
誰都無法阻擋 初星不滅光芒
No one can stop the undying light of our first star,
跑班的瘋狂 校園就是天下
Running between classes, the campus was our world,
Like stars in the night, we warmed each other in the darkest of times,
從不曾遺忘 為何而嚮往 又為何不放棄反抗
Never forgetting, what we yearned for, and why we never gave up fighting,
曾經的莽撞 是為了去闖 不畏路多長
The recklessness of the past, was to take risks, no matter how long the journey,
In front of the bell tower, the badminton created a parabola,
You were thinking about the project, and the many equations yet to be solved,
I looked up and saw a plane, fading in and out of view,
我叫你緊握手中 100架可許一個心願
I told you to hold the 100 planes in your hand, and make a wish,
你問說靈不靈驗 看著我幼稚的笑
You asked if it would work, looking at my childish smile,
But you had already decided that no one should be left behind,
遲到 順道 帶著蛋餅薯餅進校
Arriving late, bringing in egg tarts and potato cakes,
又多了一支愛校 卻還是一樣驕傲
Adding another point to the school's reputation, yet remaining proud,
班際TAIBO爭霸 社團表演讓誰羨煞
Competing in the inter-class TAIBO, making other clubs envious,
中午想扮老大 合作社餘額卻沒剩下
Dreaming of being the boss at lunchtime, but with no money left in the cafeteria,
The punishment on our birthday, leaving only happiness behind,
Even in the third year of high school, leaving at night was still scary,
一開始假裝木訥 幾天後變得瀟灑
At first pretending to be clumsy, but becoming carefree after a few days,
This is our way of finding joy,
Look at the person next to you, as if from a myth,
一生14的偉大 這都懂了吧
The greatness of 14 for a lifetime, now you understand, right?
回首遙望 彼此炙熱臉龐
Looking back at the memories, our faces radiant with passion,
閃爍的模樣 依然記在心上
The shining images still etched in our hearts,
舞台上發光 實驗室裡揮灑
Shining on stage, working hard in the lab,
Wishing to light up the world like the stars, and making a wish to myself,
從不曾遺忘 初衷的滾燙 伴著勇氣橫衝直撞
Never forgetting, the passion of our初心, charging forward with courage,
曾經受的傷 是為了成長 等待有一天能 翱翔
The wounds we once suffered, were for growth, waiting for the day we could soar,
一晃眼 過三年 到這天
In the blink of an eye, three years have passed, until this day,
一路上 都有你 陪著我
All along the way, you've been there, with me,
千萬別 放不下 未來也 別投降
Don't give up on the future, never surrender,
最後的 一首歌 敬青春
This last song, dedicated to our youth,

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