陳綺貞 - 失明前 - 我想記得的四十七件事 (Before Blind - The 47 Things I Want to Remember) (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳綺貞 - 失明前 - 我想記得的四十七件事 (Before Blind - The 47 Things I Want to Remember) (Live)

失明前 - 我想記得的四十七件事 (Before Blind - The 47 Things I Want to Remember) (Live)
Before Blind - The 47 Things I Want to Remember (Live)
我想記得 夏天午後的暴雨 雨的形狀
I want to remember summer's afternoon storm, the shape of rain
我想記得 黃昏的光 光的灰塵在飛揚
I want to remember dusk's light, the dust of light flying
我想記得 愛人如何親吻 如何擁抱
I want to remember how a lover kisses, how they embrace
我想記得 你煩燥不耐的 模樣
I want to remember you, being impatient and irritable.
我會想念 十歲時我看到的那隻象 象的死亡
I will miss the elephant I saw when I was ten, the elephant's death.
我會想念 卡夫卡照片裡他那麼倔強
I will miss Kafka's stubbornness in his photo.
我會想念 所有讀過的書認得的字
I will miss all the books I've read, the words I know.
我會記得 時間像旋轉木馬 消失
I will remember time like a carousel, disappearing.
對半切開的奇異的奇異果以及一個 蘋果吃到最後剩下的蘋果核
A halved kiwi, and an apple, eaten to the end, leaving only the core.
一條發光的公路 兩邊都是梧桐樹
A glowing highway, with rows of parasol trees on both sides.
地圖上打過記號的城市和一顆 淚般清澈的湖
Cities marked on a map, and a lake as clear as a tear.
睡覺以前瞥見的那隻蟑螂 以及早上
The cockroach I saw before I fell asleep, and in the morning,
睜開眼睛 就看到的那張蜘蛛網
the spiderweb I saw when I opened my eyes.
My photo when I was seven,
the shoes I wore when I got lost for the first time.
還有 到底是誰隨手關掉整座 星空讓我流下 眼淚
And who it was that casually turned off the entire starry sky, making me shed tears.
蜻蜓 蜻蜓飛行的速度
Dragonfly, the speed of a dragonfly in flight.
Strong winds卷起sand and fog.
A blank canvas.
我看見過 被地震搖晃的屋子
I have seen a house shaken by an earthquake,
on a very beautiful, sunny day.
旅行紀念品掉下來 引起驚呼
A travel souvenir falling and causing an exclamation.
一顆螺絲釘如何慢慢鬆動 然後 然後出現一個洞
A screw slowly loosening, then, then a hole appears.
我不討厭沙灘 而且我看過
I don't dislike the beach, and I have seen
a person coughing loudly on the beach.
檸檬 霓虹 果凍
Lemon, neon, jelly.
Walking barefoot through a pile of mud.
滑翔機 嬰兒床
Glider, crib.
我懷疑 我也看過一對翅膀
I suspect I have also seen a pair of wings.
一頂帽子 被一個複雜的腦袋 戴過的形狀
A hat, the shape it takes after being worn by a complex mind.
My hand tightly握紧a train ticket,
上面有四個字叫做目的地 讓我微笑
with four characters on it called "destination", making me smile.
I have seen those four characters with my own eyes.
Like a black carved railing,
circling a terrace at dusk.
有一個男人 在下面示愛
A man professing his love downstairs.
I must remember everything
because I fear that one day someone will question me loudly,
looking into my sightless eyes.
I will say softly, I cannot see
但是 我全部記得
but, I remember everything.

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