青蛙 - 封頂之路 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 青蛙 - 封頂之路

The Road to the Top
這上天砍斷一隻腳 換義肢腳
Heaven cuts off one leg, gives me a prosthetic
後天彌補 不一直叫 叫天叫地
Tomorrow makes up for it, no more crying out, calling to heaven and earth
叫著不公 憑什麼敗的會比別人早
Crying unfairness, why do I fail earlier than others
努力過後 才發現成功並無捷徑
After trying hard, I realize there is no shortcut to success
不能一步登天 就讓封頂之路佈滿我的鞋印
Can't reach the sky in one step, let my shoe prints pave the road to the top
:「後撤不?」 要我後撤? 一個後撤步
:「Retreat?」 Ask me to retreat? No, one step back
晃到所有人 別扯我後步 刺激才能激發腎上腺素
Shake everyone, don't hold me back, only stimulation can trigger adrenaline
爬也得用全身走完我的路 ya
Gotta use my whole body to crawl through my path, ya
捕捉到我應有的勝利 Booyah
Catch my deserved victory, Booyah
從前 和其他人不同的童年
In the past, a childhood different from others
重現 夢見的那些同學
Reoccurring dreams of those classmates
像是夢魘 各種詆毀但都沒重點
Like a nightmare, all kinds of slander but none of it matters
Nagging at me, what contribution have you made to society
當我出手不可能不可能 有可能變成了有把握
When I make a move, impossible becomes possible, possible becomes certain
全球78億的素人 脫穎而出你可曾想過
7.8 billion amateurs in the world, have you ever thought of standing out
我敢想也敢做 你們聊天談笑風生
I dare to think and do, while you guys chat and joke
Used to be a junior high schooler you looked down on
Now a senior high schooler you look up to
One day
I'll turn my lips into a gun
One day
I'll forge my tongue into a sword
One day
I'll turn my dreams into a career
One day
One day I'll hold the world, and make all who hold it mine
Setbacks aren't necessarily wrong, or can they be dreams
作者是你現實不喊Hold up
You are the author, reality doesn't call Hold up
做著自己 天生必有用的
Do what you do, you are born to be useful
夠了夠了 說的沒用的 起而行我自己做吧
Enough, enough, no more useless talk, I'll do it myself
毒圈下的暴雨 澆不息我Free Fire
The storm in the poison circle can't quench my Free Fire
Facing the unpredictable odds among billions
Recklessly sprinting, unleashing my audacity
Lacking from birth, replaced with a survivor's mentality
想看戲沒戲看 八倍鏡瞄膝蓋
Want to watch a show but there's none, eightfold scope aims for the knees
Effortlessly seal the deal, a tough guy predicting your prediction
近看會覺得奇怪 遠看會覺得習慣
Looks strange up close, looks familiar from afar
Desperately holding on until the end is your hope, and also your regret
開火 反抗
Open fire, fight back
眼觀四面耳聽八方 走錯步就剩慘狀
Keep a lookout, every step could be fatal
Observe and adapt
別靠近我讓你七步成屍拿你來開刀 注意
Don't come near, seven steps and you're a corpse, I'll dissect you, watch out
戰鬥 無所 不在 (Free Fire)
Battle is everywhere (Free Fire)
Crawl forward, facing unexpected dangers
No retreat, no fear in this fight for survival
Until the wind rustles, shaking this Bermuda that's no longer still
顛覆你的邊幅 心態堅固 煙霧蓋了天霧讓我揭露
Break through your limits, strengthen your mindset, let the smoke clear
天無絕人之路 讓我接住這希望 我的天父 小弟覺悟了
There's always a way out, let me hold onto this hope, my God, I've awakened
命運做主 帶上五臟六腑 賭上我名聲 不甘願於受辱
Control your destiny, bring your guts, bet on my reputation, refuse to be humiliated
I warned you to be careful, but you insisted on provoking the tiger
毒圈下的暴雨 澆不息我Free Fire
The storm in the poison circle can't quench my Free Fire
Facing the unpredictable odds among billions
Recklessly sprinting, unleashing my audacity
Lacking from birth, replaced with a survivor's mentality
想看戲沒戲看 八倍鏡瞄膝蓋
Want to watch a show but there's none, eightfold scope aims for the knees
Effortlessly seal the deal, a tough guy predicting your prediction
近看會覺得奇怪 遠看會覺得習慣
Looks strange up close, looks familiar from afar
Desperately holding on until the end is your hope, and also your regret

青蛙 - Road to Booyah - Single
Road to Booyah - Single
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