韋禮安 - 沉船 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 韋禮安 - 沉船

Sunken Ship
揚起這張破舊的帆 這趟不得已的出航
I raise this tattered sail on this inevitable voyage.
這條歷經風霜的船 還剩下什麼乘風破浪
This weather-beaten ship has little left to sail the seas.
腐鏽的羅盤 依舊天真指向遠方
Though rusted, the compass still points optimistically toward the horizon.
讓我攀上最高的欄杆 貪圖最後一眼希望模樣
I climb to the highest rail, indulging in one last glimpse of hope.
讓我眺望 那抹夕陽
I gaze at the sunset
曾經無畏 的那片海洋
Over that once-untamed ocean.
曾經狂妄 以為有夢想就能到達對岸
Once so blindly arrogant, I thought dreams alone could carry me ashore.
現在這艘將沉之船 航向絕望還是天堂
Now, this sinking ship sails toward despair or paradise.
怎麼落得如此難堪 懦夫也曾雄心萬丈
How did I end up in such distress? Even cowards once had grand ambitions.
徬徨即將淹沒船板 為何還緊抱著船槳
As despair threatens to engulf the deck, why do I still cling to the oars?

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