韋禮安 - 為你好 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 韋禮安 - 為你好

For Your Own Good
能不能夠用一個微笑 就能若無其事的走掉
Can I use a smile to pretend to leave you calmly?
能不能夠有一個瞬間 就到老
Can I have a moment that will last forever?
一個人一生能有多少 沒有半分猜忌的擁抱
How many people can have an embrace without suspicion in their entire life?
只好用一輩子的遺憾 去尋找
So I have to search for it with a lifetime of regrets.
為你好 多奇妙 三個字背負 多少煎熬
What a wonder to say "For your own good," three words that carry so much suffering.
為你好 多可笑 不過是自私 設下的圈套
How ridiculous to say "For your own good," it's just a trap set by selfishness.
多重要 多想逃 被命運開了個玩笑
How important, how I want to escape, a joke played by fate.
我也沒有那麼的清高 只不過是沒那麼計較
I'm not that aloof, it's just that I'm not that calculating.
傻到把自己的幸福 也賠掉
I'm stupid enough to sacrifice my own happiness for you.
為你好 多奇妙 三個字背負 多少煎熬
What a wonder to say "For your own good," three words that carry so much suffering.
為你好 多可笑 不過是自私 設下的圈套
How ridiculous to say "For your own good," it's just a trap set by selfishness.
多重要 多想逃 被命運開了個玩笑
How important, how I want to escape, a joke played by fate.
為了你 瘋掉 為了你 求饒
For you, I've gone crazy, begged for you.
為了你 咆嘯 為了你 煩惱
For you, I've yelled, worried over you.
為了你 操勞 討好 潦倒 以為就是解藥
For you, I've toiled, flattered, and fallen, thinking that was the antidote.
為你好 多奇妙 三個字背負 多少煎熬
What a wonder to say "For your own good," three words that carry so much suffering.
為你好 多可笑 不過是自私 設下的圈套
How ridiculous to say "For your own good," it's just a trap set by selfishness.
多重要 多想逃 被命運開了個玩笑
How important, how I want to escape, a joke played by fate.
多重要 多想逃 被命運開了個玩笑
How important, how I want to escape, a joke played by fate.

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