飛輪海 - 超喜歡你 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 飛輪海 - 超喜歡你

I Really Like You
心跳快得很可怕 呼吸大到有氣壓 手心冒汗可以澆花(可以澆花)
My heart is beating so fast It's hard to breathe My hands are sweating enough to Water the flowers (Water the flowers)
生活變四格漫畫 喜怒哀樂被放大 身不由己沒有辦法(沒有辦法)
Life has become a four-panel comic strip My emotions are magnified I can't help myself (I can't help myself)
怎麼可以這樣 怎麼可以這樣 瘋狂
How can it be like this? How can it be like this? Crazy
怎麼可以這樣 怎麼可以這樣 愛超出了想像
How can it be like this? How can it be like this? My love is beyond imagination
就算世界與我為敵 我超喜歡你
Even if the world is against me I really like you
超喜歡你不能分離 我只相信這個真理
I really like you We can't be separated I only believe in this truth
百無禁忌萬夫莫敵 我超喜歡你
Fearless and invincible I really like you
我慢慢不能清醒 終於不想清醒
I slowly can't come to my senses I finally don't want to come to my senses
根本不用清醒 這個惡作劇
I don't need to come to my senses This prank
想要對你說的話 身體已替我表達 一旦愛了不能作假(不能作假)
I want to tell you My body has expressed it Once I'm in love, I can't fake it (I can't fake it)
一度覺得很頭大 懷疑細胞有偏差 可是愛了沒有辦法(沒有辦法)
At one point I felt overwhelmed I thought there was something wrong with me But when I'm in love, there's no way out (There's no way out)
就是可以這樣 就是可以這樣 瘋狂
It can be like this It can be like this Crazy
就是可以這樣 就是可以這樣 愛超出了想像
It can be like this It can be like this My love is beyond imagination
就算世界與我為敵 我超喜歡你(超喜歡你)
Even if the world is against me I really like you (I really like you)
超喜歡你不能分離 我只相信這個真理
I really like you We can't be separated I only believe in this truth
百無禁忌萬夫莫敵 我超喜歡你(超喜歡你)
Fearless and invincible I really like you (I really like you)
我慢慢不能清醒 終於不想清醒
I slowly can't come to my senses I finally don't want to come to my senses
根本不用清醒 這個惡作劇
I don't need to come to my senses This prank
我超喜歡你 是我放在我心裡好久的秘密
I really like you It's a secret I've kept in my heart for so long
我不敢告訴你 甚至沒有勇氣說服我自己
I couldn't tell you I didn't even have the courage to convince myself
我問問上帝 要怎麼突破我們之間的距離
I asked God How can I bridge the gap between us
站在原地 是友誼往前一步 又怕嚇到你
Standing still is friendship Taking a step forward I'm afraid to scare you
我號稱黃金右腳 橫衝直撞 天下無敵 自由來去
I claim to be the golden right foot Charging without fear Invincible and free
How did I step into this forbidden zone and immediately lose to you?
就算世界與我為敵 我超喜歡你(超喜歡你)
Even if the world is against me I really like you (I really like you)
超喜歡你不能分離 我只相信這個真理
I really like you We can't be separated I only believe in this truth
百無禁忌萬夫莫敵 我超喜歡你(超喜歡你)
Fearless and invincible I really like you (I really like you)
我慢慢不能清醒 終於不想清醒
I slowly can't come to my senses I finally don't want to come to my senses
根本不用清醒 這個惡作劇
I don't need to come to my senses This prank
就算世界與我為敵 我超喜歡你(超喜歡你)
Even if the world is against me, I really like you (I really like you)
超喜歡你 不能分離 我只相信這個真理
I really like you We can't be separated I only believe in this truth
百無禁忌 萬夫莫敵 我超喜歡你(超喜歡你)
Fearless and invincible I really like you (I really like you)
我慢慢不能清醒 終於不想清醒
I slowly can't come to my senses I finally don't want to come to my senses
根本不用清醒 這個惡作劇
I don't need to come to my senses This prank

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